3.2 | a little thing called first love

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I let out a low yawn as escaped my lips as I rubbed my eyes. I looked out the large window and realized that it was morning again.

Had I slept that long?

My gaze turned to the empty side next to me. The sheets were ruffled up and still warm. Zayn must have just awoken as well. The sudden pattering of water against the tile floor proved my point.

"But I watched your eyes as she walks by, what a sight for sore eyes," my ears perked up at the familiar voice.

I stepped out of the bed and walked over to the slightly opened bathroom door. Zayn was inside with Aileen in his arms in nothing but her diaper. He gently let the water fall on her as he showered her.

The baby smiled as he continued to sing and wipe off the stains of food on her. She clapped her hands together enjoying the warm water and sweet melody.

I leaned onto the door frame and admired the two from afar. Aileen seemed to notice my presence as her blue eyes settled on me and she giggled. Zayn, however, was lost in his performance.

"She's got you mesmerized while I cry," Zayn turned off the faucet and picked up one of the towels, wrapping it around Aileen.

"Nice vocals," I finally spoke, and Zayn jumped back in surprise. He clutched his heart as he held Aileen tighter.

"Oh God," he sighed in despair, and I looked at him apologetically.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you," I bit my lip nervously, but Zayn only laughed it off.

"It's alright," he assured as he changed Aileen's diaper. "I was just giving this little one a shower because she spat out most of her Gerber."

"That explains the mess," I chuckled. On the floor near the door was Aileen's pink onesie covered in a green, mushy substance.

"You really like making your temporary parents work, huh?" I cooed and I made funny faces at the baby. She giggled as if understanding me.

"Do you mind holding onto her while I shower?" Zayn asked as he looked down at his damped clothes. Without any protest, I nodded and took Aileen from him.

"Let's go get some breakfast," I said in a sweet voice as I walked out of the bedroom.

"Good morning," Ivory chirped as she carried her baby boy in one hand and used the other to pick up her bowl of cereal.

She was such a bubbly and kind person. The type of person that made you smile without trying.

"You are in your same clothes," Jennifer noted as he looked at me. This grabbed Ivory's attention and the raven-haired girl smirked.

"What have you and Zayn been doing that you forgot to switch your clothes?" She raised her eyebrow in a teasing manner.

I felt my cheeks turn red at their insinuations. This only caused their suspicion to grow.

"Nothing," I replied, but they both held expressions of skepticism.

"You two did the dirty, didn't you?" Ivory gasped.

I shook my head vigorously. "We simply fell asleep while taking care of Aileen," I explained.

They still did not believe me despite it being the truth.

"Then who was making all that noise last night?" Ivory asked visibly confused. I raised an eyebrow wondering what noise she was referring to.

Did I knock out that bad?

From the corner of my eye I saw Jennifer trying to sneak away with a guilty look. Ivory followed my gaze and her eyes widened in realization.

"Oh my little munchkin," Ivory's hand rested over her mouth as she stared at Jennifer with disbelief. "Don't tell me that childish goofball defiled you?"

"He isn't a childish goofball," Jenner argued defensively before sighing. "I mean—he is a goofball, but he's not childish! And he didn't defile me, we both gave conscious consent."

"You slept with Jordan?" I asked just to be one-hundred percent sure and Jennifer slowly bobbed her head up and down.

"We kind of bonded with this challenge," she admitted as a smile played on her lips. "He showed he could be reliant and dependable. He's also so funny and says the sweetest things to me."

Ivory looked at Jennifer with awe. She seemed happy that her little munchkin was in love and full of joy.

"I didn't mean for it to happen," Jennifer admitted. "It—It just did and I am not going to fight the feelings. I love him and I want it to work with him."

"Aww," Ivory walked over to Jennifer and gave her hug as her eyes swelled with tears. "Your first love."

Jennifer was the most innocent and reserved out of all of us. She had never been in love. Heck, she had never even had her first kiss.

"What about you, Emm?" Ivory wiggled her brows as a mischievous grin appeared on her lips.

I bite down on my lip not knowing how to answer. Zayn and I hadn't really explored deeply our feelings nor made any moves.

"We are still getting to know one another," I shrugged.

"Hmph, I guess we are on the same boat," Ivory pouted.

"Are David and you having problems?" Jennifer asked with a concerned expression and Ivory buried her face in her palms.

"That's the thing, I wish we had problems!" Ivory cried out. "Most of the time he is acting cold and distant. Even with this challenge, I seem to be doing most of the work. I get that he is a reserved person, but he does not even make an effort."

"Oh, sweetie," Jennifer comforted Ivory who genuinely looked upset.

I did not know what to say to make her feel better. If David was not going to try to get to know his partner than why join the game? But then again, I could not judge him for I was doing the same. I was in it for the money and nothing more.

"That felt refreshing," I turned to the voice and found Zayn entering the room.

He ruffled his wet raven locks with the towel as he walked over to Aileen and me. The smile he wore stretched from ear to ear. I did not know that he could look any more handsome than he already was, but that freshly showered look looked good on him. His eyes met mine and I was entranced in them.

"Emily!" Zayn chuckled as I finally snapped out of my trance. "I have been calling your name. I can take care of Aileen now while you shower."

"Oh, uh--here," I handed the small baby to him and rushed out of the room.

I brought the back of my hand to my warm cheeks and closed my eyes shut in embarrassment. I was just in it for the money... right?

Author's NoteHola my lovelies! Happy Tuesday to all

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies! Happy Tuesday to all. Here is chapter 3.2 of Matches and it seems like Emily is starting to realize she may have feelings for Zayn. What do you guys think will happen next? Let me know in comments! I'll see you all Thursday with another update.
Xoxo Liz 💋💋💋

Song: Heather (cover) - Conan Gray

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