10 | should i stay or should i go

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I smiled as I watch Zayn from afar bonding with his father and best friend. Lilith sat beside me admiring Jake.

"If I had someone like him by my side, I wouldn't complain like that Sasha witch," she mumbled. She had been smitten with Jake since her arrival.

"You know he is taken and younger than you," I reminded, but Lilith did not seem to care.

She shrugged. "Two years is not that big of a difference. Plus, by the looks of how him and Sasha are acting toward one another, he won't be taken for long."

I shook my head at my friend as I smiled at her amused. I was happy that she was here, but saddened by my brother's absence. I knew that he most likely wouldn't be able to come because of his condition, but I still had a little bit of hope in me.

"How is Zach?" I asked with a raised brow. Lilith turned to me, a hint of panic flashed through her eyes. "Lilith, how's Zach?"

"H-He is doing well," she answered, but I knew she was lying. She would not even meet my gaze.

"Lilith, I know you're lying," I said through gritted teeth. One thing I did not tolerate was people lying to me, especially when it came to my brother.

Lilith looked around and stood up. She grabbed my hand and dragged us into the hut. She opened the door to the bathroom and closed it behind us.

"Before I tell you, you have to promise me that you will not leave the contest," Lilith urged. A sudden surge of panic washed over me.

"Lilith tell me what the hell is going on?" I pleaded.

"Promise me, Emily!" She urged as she gripped onto my shoulders. I stood my ground though.

I shook my head as the tears began to swell. "First, tell me how my brother is. You're scaring me!"

Lilith broke out into tears and I shook my head in disbelief. I took a few steps back until I reached the wooden door and let all my weight fall onto it.

"No, no, no," I said not wanting to believe it.

"We found him two days ago...in his room..." Lilith clasped her hand over her mouth. "He was barely breathing. We did everything right. We gave him the medication all at the correct time. I'm sorry, Emily. I really am."

"What have the doctors said?" I asked as I bottled up my feelings and focused on the things that had to be done.

"They say he only was a few weeks left if he doesn't get the transplant," Lilith replied. I walked over and hugged her as we both cried into each other's arms.

"None of this is your fault, okay?" I assured. "I knew that without the transplant, he would grow weaker. So, it isn't your fault. You did nothing wrong."

"O-Okay," Lilith replied but the tears were still pouring out of her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked.

Lilith wiped her nose. "Because I knew you would leave the contest and I couldn't allow that. I know you Em. Even if Zayn offered to pay, you wouldn't accept it. If you left the contest, you would have no way of getting that transplant for him."

I sighed in defeat knowing that she was right. I leaned onto the counter, debating on what I should do.

"How soon can we get a donor?" I asked.

"The doctor said that there's two on the list, but there are four names before Zach," Lilith explained. "There's only one way to put his name first and that's with, cha-ching."

Lilith rolled her thumb over her index finger. I knew what she meant. We had to play dirty to get my brother his transplant and for that I needed money.

"I need to go see him," I said, but Lilith shook her head.

"You need to stay here and win that competition so we can get Zachary his transplant," Lilith replied.

I knew that I needed to stay, but I also knew that if I did and I lost, I would be wasting precious time. I did not know if my brother would still be there when I returned.

I heaved a sigh as I ran my hand through my blonde locks in frustration. I did not know what to do, but one thing was for sure...

"I have to tell Zayn," I said and Lilith nodded.

Author's Note I told you the drama would be back! What do you guys think? Emily's brother has fallen ill

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Author's Note
I told you the drama would be back! What do you guys think? Emily's brother has fallen ill. Do you think she'll leave the contest or stay? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. I will have the next chapter uploaded later today so stay tuned!

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