7.1 | it is starting to feel like hell

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A cocky smirk formed on my lips as I remembered our first night on the island. Zayn had mentioned he was a cook at a lowly known restaurant so it was pretty obvious which ones were the truths and which one was the lie.

"The first two statements are true and the last one is false," I answered confidently. However, when Jennifer turned to Zayn with a weary look on her face, my lips pressed together in a frown.

"Zayn, is Emily correct?" Jennifer asked, but by the looks of it she already knew the answer.

I turned to Zayn who was not meeting my gaze. He looked down at the floor with a guilty expression and my eyes widened in realization.

"Zayn?" Lawrence called out.

"I am afraid of jumping spiders, but I do not own any One Direction albums," Zayn said in a low tone. He looked up at me nervously. "I-I am a billionaire."

Well, shit.

"Oh," was the only thing that could leave my mouth. Everyone was left as stunned as me.

Lawrence cleared his throat. "Can we have our next couple, Sasha and Jake."

Sasha and Jake walked up to the platform with giddy smiles, but I was still left speechless. Zayn tried to reach out for my hand on our way back to our seats, but I gently pulled it away.

"I was going to tell you," he said as we reached our seats.

I still did not say anything. I was trying to process the shocking news. My boyfriend was a freaking billionaire!

"Em, I really wanted to tell you but I was just afraid that you would be like the rest of the girls," Zayn rambled on. "That you would like me for my money and not for me."

My mouth fell open upon hearing his words. He thought I would be a gold digger? Zayn's eyes widened and he realized he fucked up.

"I know you're not like that, but you have to understand that I didn't know anyone here," Zayn continued as he pulled my hand in his. I looked into his begging eyes. "Please, please believe me."

I pulled my hand away. "We will talk after."

Zayn sighed in defeat but nodded nonetheless. We turned around and found that now Jake and Sasha wore the same expressions we once did. I had been too busy listening to Zayn that I did not hear Jake's two truths and a lie.

"You were a freaking virgin before we slept together?" Sasha gasped.

What the fuck was happening?

"It's not that big of a deal," Jake replied. "I was a virgin, who cares?"

"I care!" Sasha screamed before walking back into the hut. Jake chased after her and we all turned to one another realizing that this game was not as innocent as it seemed.

"Oo-okay," Lawrence let out a low whistle. "Riya, come up here honey."

Riya walked up to the stage and she look petrified. Sweat drops trickled down her forehead and she looked pale, like she would throw up any second.

"So here are the truths and lie, Riya has never watched a Bollywood movie. Two, she hates children. Three, she—Umm, she has been pregnant this entire time."

We all turned to Riya who looked like she wanted the ground to just swallow her whole.

Lawrence chuckled nervously. "Riya, tell me that last statement isn't true."

Riya looked away with tears falling down her eyes. Lawrence let go of her hand and rubbed his temples. He looked like he has just been hit by a boulder.

"I-I didn't know until the day before we arrived," Riya cried out. "I have been hiding it ever since. I wanted to say something, but then I met you and I fell in love."

"Does the father know?" Lawrence asked angrily.

Riya nodded slowly. "He didn't want anything to do with it."

"It's not an 'it' Riya! That's a goddamn human being inside you and you just though it was fine to hide it," Lawrence's voice thundered loudly. "I'm fucking done with this shit show."

"Lawrence, please!" Riya called out as she ran after him.

Ivory, David, Jordan, Jennifer, Zayn and me were all left in awkward silence. What started as a playful challenge turned into a nightmare.

I turned to Zayn. "You're not hiding any kids from me too right? Because I can bare you hiding the fact that you're a billionaire, but I don't know about kids."

"I'm not hiding any kids," Zayn assured and I sighed in relief. I realized that yes, he had kept a major secret from me, but it wasn't as bad as Riya's.

"Good," I said as I leaned over and hugged him.

"I feel like these challenges are getting out of hand," David confessed.

I noticed his arm placed over Ivory's shoulder causally and can't help but smile. They look good together.

"What do you think will happen to them now?" Ivory asked referring to the two broken couples.

We all shrugged.

"All I know is that it won't be good," Jordan replied with a concerned expression.

We all were concerned. Things were escalating quickly and getting out of hand.

Author's Note Hola my lovelies! Happy Tuesday! I hope you are all having a good start to your week

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies! Happy Tuesday! I hope you are all having a good start to your week. So, Sasha had an outburst because Jake is a virgin—well was a virgin. And also, Riya is pregnant!! What do you guys think will happen next? Will Lawrence forgive Riya? Will Jake and Sasha figure out their issues? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Thank you all so much for reading. If you enjoyed, leave a vote down below and share. Thank you! I'll see you all Thursday with another update.
Xoxo, Liz 💋💋💋

Song: She Knows - J. Cole

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