1.3 | campfire

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Panic struck me as his lips inched closer to mine. In a quick motion I went on my tippy toes and pecked the corner of his lips, cutting what could have been a passionate kiss short.

"Boo!" Jordan and Ivory's disappointed voices echoed loudly.

I looked away with my cheeks even more reddened. Zayn on the other hand looked a bit surprised but managed to remain nonchalant.

"Not what I was expecting," he noted with a hint of disappointment in his tone. "But it was a good first kiss."

I finally lifted my gazed and saw Zayn smiling down at me with reassurance. I could not help but let the corner of my lifts lift a little.

I was grateful that Zayn did not get offended by my actions and instead laughed it off.

"Umm... shall we go unpack or join the others?" I asked while pointing the two suitcases in the room.

Zayn's head tilted to the side in a thoughtful manner.

"I think we can do that later," Zayn said with puckered lips.

We walked out of the master bedroom, now claimed by us and headed back to the yard.

The loud laughter and chatter of the other contestants greeted us as we reach the porch. Many of the girls had broken up to form a little circle next to the pool. The boys were scattered between the patio and mini bar.

"I think I am going to go join the girls," I stated as I pointed to them with my head.

"Okay," Zayn nodded before we parted ways.

"Emily come, sit here," Ivory patted the empty spot beside her. I sat down on the freshly trimmed grass. "We are talking about the guys."

"I didn't think they would all be this hot," Riya confessed.

"Are you guys happy with your Match?" Ivory asked curiously.

Jennifer shrugged with a low hum and all turned to her with curious eyes.

"I mean don't get me wrong, he is cute," Jennifer stared at Jordan with a mixed expression. "I guess I am just a little scared of spending the night with a complete stranger."

"It is not like you are going to be expected to have sex with him on the first night," Sasha said as she looked down at her freshly manicured hands.

Ivory rolled her eyes at Sasha's insensitivity, but nodded her head in agreement.

"I think this first night is going to be a tad bit awkward for everyone so don't stress yourself sweetie," Ivory assured.

Jennifer gave Ivory a grateful smile.

"Shall we go join the boys?" Riya asked as she looked over at the boys who were now all clustered together at around the wooden fire pit.

We all nodded and followed the Indian beauty toward the campfire.

Most of the girls had already settled in and gotten comfortable with their partners. Sasha and Jake were the closest. As we neared the boys, she settled on Jake's lap and pecked his lips.

Riya walked toward Lawrence and greeted him with a quick kiss on the cheek. In return, Lawrence wrapped his arm around her waist and returned the gesture.

Ivory leaned into David and wrapped his arm around her, however he did not seem as excited about the proximity as her. Then again, his poker-face was really hard to read.

Jennifer and I casually stuck together as we sat on the wooden bench.

"Drinks for the beautiful ladies," Jordan grinned as he handed two piña coladas to Jennifer and I.

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