6.1 | as tensions rise

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FUCKED. We were all very much fucked with this new change. Our somber frowns and upset eyes said it all. Everyone looked miserable, well all except Sasha and David. They looked the most content with this switch.

Zayn met my wondering gaze and offered me a slanted smile. I mirrored his expression. I could not believe we had spent such an amazing night together and now it was all ruined. The thought of last night caused my cheeks to heat up and I tried to push back the naughty memories.

"I feel like change is good," David said with a tiny grin.

I forced a smile. "Yeah-h-h."

David's blonde eyebrows furrowed together as his lips made a pouty frown.

"You don't look too happy," David commented.

"A little," I confessed and David's frown deepened. He looked offended and I immediately shook my hands in the air. "Not about the fact that you chose me, I am flattered, really. Just that things just got serious with Zayn, so this challenge really came at a bad time."


"Yeah," I scratched my neck nervously. I did not want to say exactly how things got serious, aka sex. "Last night we really had some time to get to know each other and we decided to make our relationship more concrete."

"Oh," David looked much more upset.

His growing frown made my suspicious clear. I had feared that David held some sort of feelings toward me, I wanted to be wrong but his actions made proved me right.

"I feel like this challenge is the best one yet," Sasha grinned from ear-to-ear as she clung onto Zayn's arm. My eye twitched at how touchy she was being. "We all get to know other contestants and maybe even make these switches permanent. Right, Zayn?"

Zayn looked down at Sasha and rolled his eyes. "I don't think any of us our happy with this," Zayn replied as he removed Sasha's hand from him.

I held back my growing smile, happy that Zayn did not seem the bit interested.

"At least it is just one day," Riya reasoned. "Then tomorrow everything will go back to how it was."

We all nodded in agreement, but were still on edge. Not only was the switch splitting the couples up, but it also announced the near closure of the contest.

"Shall we get to know one another better?" David suggested snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh-h-h, how about we grab a drink with the others?" I suggested hesitantly.

David nodded and grabbed a hold of my hand. He led us toward the group which was gathered at the bar passing out drinks, most probably to drown out their sorrow.

"What do you guys think the next challenge will be?" Jordan asked as he passed out opened bottles of beer.

"Most probably two truths and a lie," Ivory replied.

Jennifer nodded in agreement. "It has to be something minor after this challenge."

"Riya, you're not going to have a drink?" Sasha asked as she noticed Riya's untouched drink.

Riya shook her head. "Too much stress already and I don't want to add alcohol to the mix."

We all nodded with an understanding shrug.

"You have something on your cheek," David said before he plucked away fallen eyelash from my cheeks. He was close, way too close. "You have such nice eyes."

"Thank you?" My statement came out more as a question than a simple thanks.

I felt a presence behind me as a familiar hand placed itself on my bare waist and another pushed David away.

"I think you're a little too close for comfort," Zayn's voice said from behind.

I looked up and found him standing there with his arm wrapped around me possessively.

"I am pretty sure I wasn't that close," David defended. "Right Emily?"

My mouth open and closed like a fish. I did not want to offend David as he was my friend, but I also did not want to lie.

"I think her silence speaks for itself," Zayn countered.

"Guys, let's just take a drink and chill," Sasha said as she tried pulling Zayn back, but he did not budge.

David smirked. "Yes, Zayn. Take a drink and chill, after all Emily is my partner for the remainder of this challenge."

"Make sure to keep your hands to yourself for the remainder of this challenge," Zayn warned.

Author's Note Hello my lovelies! So, the drama between Zayn, David and Emily is just starting

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Author's Note
Hello my lovelies! So, the drama between Zayn, David and Emily is just starting. Do you think they will make it through the challenge? As promised there will be a double-update today so be on the lookout for another chapter later today. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Thank you all for reading. See you later today.

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