08 | i won't say i am in love

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"Oh, look. Another glorious morning. Makes me SICK!" I grinned as I mimicked Winfred's words.

I could feel Zayn's amused gaze on me, but I kept my eyes directed at the screen in front of us. Hocus Pocus, one if not my favorite Halloween movie.

"Something tells me this is not your first time watching this movie," He mused.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Aside from the Corpse Bride, this is the movie I watch every Halloween."

"Corpse Bride?" Zayn's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion and my mouth fell agape.

"Another classic that you have not watched!" I clutched my heart dramatically feigning to be extremely pained by his lack of watching two of my favorite movies.

"In my defense, my father wasn't much of a movie enthusiast. Not much of an enthusiast of anything, for that matter," Zayn defended. He looked off into the far corner as if reminiscing his past unwanted memories.

My lips pressed together in a small sympathetic smile. This time my heart did ache for real. I felt bad that Zayn was forced to give up his childhood because of his father's high expectations.

"Well, I am going to get you on board with all of the best classics," I grinned trying to lighten up the mood.

Zany smiled down at me. "I'm counting on it, princess."

Princess. The simple word made my cheeks heat up and my stomach swirl with butterflies. It did not help that he squished me closer to him as he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. I nuzzled myself next to him, enjoying his warm embrace and cider-wood scent.

Every couple was in their room enjoying a nice day to themselves. After the drama with Riya and Lawrence, we all wanted some peace and quiet.

"Awww, the popcorn ran out," Zayn pouted as his hand reached into the empty bowl. "I'll be right back."

Zayn gave my cheek a light feathery kiss before walking out of the room. I wanted to protest, but he was too fast. I puckered my lips into a pout, yearning for his presence.

I looked over at the empty place next to me on the bed and I let it all sink in. Soon, I would have to be forced to face reality. The cruel reality. I placed my hand over the wrinkled sheets were Zayn was once seated.

"Fuck," I mumbled as I brought my knees to my chest and placed my chin on them.

Why did his absence have such an effect on me?

I did not like it. It made me feel vulnerable. I was not vulnerable. If anything, I was far beyond that. But somehow, he broke down a wall that no one could ever get past. I place my hand on my lips and the memory of our first night together ran through my head.

Was this love?

"Okay, I'm back," Zayn chirped as he stepped back into the room with a bowl full of popcorn. My lips immediately broke into a smile. No, it couldn't be. I couldn't be in love. "You okay, beautiful?"

Beautiful—Fuck. His simple nicknames and handsome smile was all it took for the butterflies to resurface.

"Yes," I assured with a small smile. He seemed unsure but joined me in bed nonetheless.

The warmth radiating from him brought me comfort as he pulled me back toward him. It felt nice to be like this. Cuddled up in bed without a worry in the world, but it was also scary.

I could feel my heart beat pacing faster as I leaned my head onto his chest. Zayn let his long fingers run through my blonde hair and it felt like home. As peeked up through my long lashes, I was left in a hypnotic trance.

He was so handsome. His olive skin glowing from the little sunlight entering our room. His thick lashes blinked every now and then. His hazel eyes were focused on the screen as his chest rose lightly every second.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I won't be able to focus on the movie," he mumbled and I shyly looked away. He chuckled lightly and the simple laugh sent shivers down my spine.

Could this really be love?

Author's NoteHola my lovelies! Happy Tuesday! I wanted to make this a little short chapter with a bit of happiness

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies! Happy Tuesday! I wanted to make this a little short chapter with a bit of happiness. Although, Emily is denying it we all know that she is most definitely in love. Next chapter, we will get the drama back on board. I am trying my best to get this book done by mid-September, so I will be doing a double update today and Thursday. I'll see you soon with the next chapter.

Song: I Won't Say (I'm In Love) - Hercules Movie

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