3.1 | playing family

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I watched as the small bundle of joy slept quietly in my arms while Emily ate our breakfast in silence. I glanced up to see Emily aimlessly moving her food around. It was obvious that something was bothering her. I wished that she could open up to me, but that would require time.

"Do you want to watch her while I was the dishes?" I asked and Emily finally snapped out of her thoughts.

"Uh-h-h, sure," she gave me a nod and the two of us switch places.

She was gentle with the small baby. She expertly supported the back of Aileen's head as she gently rocked the fussing baby to sleep. There was an expression of awe in her eyes as our temporary daughter gave a tiny yawn.

"I have given the idea of being a mother some thought," she finally confessed as I washed off the soap from out plates.

"Really?" I leaned closer attentively.

"Back home, I-I have a lot on my plate," Emily explained hesitantly. I wanted to ask what it was, but I also knew that I had to take baby steps with her. "But I do one day wish to be a mom. I feel like it is one of the greatest joys anyone could have."

She looked down at Aileen once more. A mixture of pain and yearning flashed through her eyes.

"I know you will make a great mom when the time comes," I replied as I dried off the last dish.

"We are having a baby race if you guys want to join," Jordan peeked his head into the kitchen with his usual mischievous grin. Lawrence was behind him, motioning us to join. He was quite a goofball despite his serious exterior.

"Baby James is going to win," Ivory cooed as she bounced her baby boy up and down.

"Well Aileen is asleep so we will just watch from afar," Emily said as she showed them our sleeping child.

We followed Ivory and Jordan toward the lawn where they had set up a mini racing track with rope. A few obstacles had been placed to distract the babies from the finish line including some toys.

"Alright, which ever baby crosses the finish line first wins the essentials put on the line," Jake who was placed as the designated host motioned to the pile of essentials. "Now everyone please put your baby on the ground."

Everyone was participating except Emily and me. We watched as the babies easily got distracted and their designated parents tried to get them to the finish line. It was quite an amusing scene.

"Oh look," Emily pointed toward Lawrence's baby which was crawling closer and closer to the finish line. He was motivated by the squeaky ball in Lawrence's hand. The baby boy giggled as he moved faster.

We all looked with anticipation thinking he would be the winner, but just as he was about to cross the finish line, he slipped on one of the toys and fell to the side. It was not a hard fall but the baby still let out a loud shriek of despair.

"Oh my Gosh," Lawrence was quick to go to his child and soothe him.

Aileen wriggled in Emily's arm and shot her eyes open disturbed by the sudden commotion. Her small blue eyes looked around dazed and confused.

"Hey baby girl, you're okay," Emily assured as held Aileen close and rubbed her small back.

"Riya hold him while I go get his favorite toy," Lawrence handed the crying baby to his partner and rushed into their hut.

"What do I do with it?" Panic flashed in her eyes as she held the crying baby.

"You have to try and calm it down Riya," Jennifer said before picking up her own baby. "Like this."

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