06 | the switch

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I watched as the beauty next to me slept peacefully, our naked bodies entangled in the sheets. I let my fingers stroke her soft arms that were around around my waist.

"You know it is kind of creepy to watch people sleep," Emily said with her eyes still closed. Her voice was a bit raspy since she had just woken up, but it made her even more sexier.

"Not if it's a boyfriend looking at his girlfriend," I replied with a grin.

Emily perked up after hearing my comment. "So, we are officially dating?"

"Duh," I sassed. "I don't know about you, but I think after last night it is pretty clear we are."

Her cheeks reddened at the reminder of our wild sleepover. She shyly laid her head back on my chest and I let out a soft chuckle of amusement.

"Let's go get dress before the other contestants get suspicious," I stated and Emily nodded in agreement.

We slipped out of bed and put on our clothes for the day. We made sure to leave everything like we found it, well mostly everything. The bottle of wine was long gone.

"Ready, love?" I asked and Emily nodded. She wore a bright smile upon hearing my nickname for her.

As we stepped outside we noticed all the other contestants huddled up near the outdoor bar. Emily and I turned to one another confused.

"What's going on?" We asked as we neared the group.

They turned to us with mortified looks, all except for Sasha and David who wore wicked grins.

"The next challenge is the switch," Ivory said.

Oh, no.

The switch was a traditional challenge in Matches. Five contestants, two girls and one boy get to choose a new partner which scrambles up the original Matches. You must spend the entire day and night with your new partner. It was a way to test how strong the couples were.

Emily did not look content with the news. She immediately grabbed onto my hand with a worried expression. I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her shoulder, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"So who are the lucky contestants?" I asked with sass, but I had an idea of who they could be.

"Sasha, David, Jennifer, Lawrence and Jordan," Riya replied.

Fuck. I was right.

"Should we just get this over with?" Jennifer asked, she seemed desperate to tear the band-aid off the wound. We all nodded.

"Sasha, who do you-"

"Zayn!" Sasha squealed before Ivory could finish.

"Oo-okay," Ivory whistled.

Sasha pulled me away from Emily and grinned like a schoolgirl. I rolled my eyes and held back the urge to scoff. Instead, I looked over at Emily and gave her an assuring smile.

"Jennifer?" Ivory called and Jennifer bit her lip.

"I choose Jake," Jennifer sighed in defeat.

Jake pranced over to Jennifer and simply offered a high-five. He then turned to Jordan with a smile.

"I vow to take care of her," he said with an overly dramatized voice. He all laughed at his attempt to lighten the mood.

"Lawrence, you're next," Ivory said.

"I choose you," Lawrence replied as he walked over to Ivory and gave her a friendly side-hug.


"I pick Emily," David said with a wide smile. I clenched my jaw as he walked over to Emily and kissed the back of her hand. Emily did not look too happy, but offered him a small smile.

"That leaves Jordan and Riya," Ivory announced.

We all looked around at the new couples. Ivory and Lawrence, Riya and Jordan, Jennifer and Jake, Emily and David, then finally Sasha and me.

A tense silence surrounded us as we all stood there not knowing what to do. Something told me this was not going to end well.

Author's Note Hello and happy Thursday my lovelies! I told you that the tensions were just beginning to rise

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Author's Note
Hello and happy Thursday my lovelies! I told you that the tensions were just beginning to rise. What do you think will happen now that the couples have been scrambled up? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Next update will be Tuesday and I may do a double-update so be on the look out. Thank you all so much for reading. If you enjoyed please leave a vote and share. Adios my lovelies.
Xoxo, Liz

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