5.1 | F. R. I. E. N. D. S.

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I could not help but smile as I kept my attention on Zayn. The boys had decided to start a small match of soccer and surprisingly all of them had joined, including David.

"That was one kiss he gave you," Riya wiggled her eyebrows at me as she sat down beside me in the grass.

The sun had begun to set as some of us lingered in the outside, while the other girls were huddled in the living room.

"I think he is starting to grow on me," I admitted with a shy smile.

The boys kicked the ball back and forth until it was finally on Zayn's hold. He dribbled it past the players in the opposing team which were Jordan, David and Lawrence. Jordan immediately aimed for Zayn, but he dodged the tall raven-haired boy with ease. Jordan landed face-flat on the grass.

"Eat that!" Jake chuckled as he rushed to his teammate's side.

"Are you alright?" Ivory asked concerned by Jordan's fall, but Jordan quickly shot up in one motion.

Jake face-palmed himself as he whistled to get Ivory's attention.

"Don't mingle with the enemy," he reminded, and Ivory nodded as she rushed to her team's side. Zayn was still busy getting to the designated goal net.

Lawrence tried to block Zayn's path, but Zayn slipped the ball between Lawrence's feet and regained control of it from behind. It was up to David to stop Zayn now before he scored yet another goal.

Riya looked impressed. "He's good."

"He is," I nodded in agreement as the two of us continued to watch the game. "Come on, you got this Zayn!"

Zayn smiled at my supportive exclamation and blew me a kiss. The curve in my lips dropped when I noticed David glaring angrily at a distracted Zayn. He narrowed his light blue eyes at Zayn's legs before launching in his direction.

"Zayn watch out!" I yelled but I was too late. Zayn dropped to the ground, wriggling in pain as he clutched his shin.

"What the hell man?!" He exclaimed in pain as he glared up at David.

"I didn't mean to hit you that hard," David defended.

I rushed over to Zayn and made sure that his bone was not badly fractured. I sighed in relief when I noticed his bone was intact, but his skin was badly scrapped.

"Help me get him to our room," I told Jake and Lawrence who were the closest to me.

"Emily, I swear I did not mean to hit him that hard," David said like a little kid trying to convince his mom that he had not done anything bad.

I lifted my hand up and said, "Please save it. I saw everything."

I followed Jake and Lawrence up the stairs and into the master bedroom. Zayn winced as the boys set him on the bed. His foot had a large purple bruise near the area that David had hit.

"Damn, that dude hit you pretty damn hard," Lawrence said in a low whistle.

"It doesn't even hurt," Zayn shrugged trying to act tough.

I walked over with a defying smirk and gently pressed on his bruised shin. Zayn winced sharply and I snorted out in amusement.

"You were saying?" I raised an eyebrow in a cocky manner and the guys chuckled. Zayn looked away with reddened cheeks. "I am going to get something to clean those scratches up."

I walked down the stairs and found Ivory explaining everything to the other girls. I rushed to the bathroom where the first-aid kit was.

"Emily, I am so sorry," David's voice startled me and the kit fell out of my grip.

"I saw the way you launched at him," I replied as I picked up the kit and pushed past David, but he grabbed onto my arm.

"I don't know what came over me, but I am sorry," he insisted. I looked up to meet his gaze and I could tell he genuinely felt guilty.

"It's not me you should be apologizing to," I replied before taking my arm out of his grip.

"Let me go with you to apologize," David said as he took the kit from my grip.

"Fine," I sighed in defeat.

We both walked back up the stairs where Zayn was now alone. He smiled upon seeing me return, but his lips fell a little when he noticed David behind me.

"David has something he'd like to say," I said as I walked over to the bed and began tending to Zayn's wounds.

"I just wanted to say that I am sorry for kicking you," David apologized.

Zayn gave him a friendly smile. "It was an accident, there is no need to apologize."

"Nevertheless, it is still my fault you ended up with a recked shin," David said as he looked at Zayn's scrapped-up leg.

"It's alright, like I said it was an accident," Zayn assured.

"I'm sorry for hurting your boyfriend Emily," David said and I gave him an understanding nod. "Are we good?"

"Yeah," I nodded as I extended my arm out for him to shake. "Friends?"

David looked down at my hand hesitantly before replying, "Friends."

He did not seem too pleased with the word, but I brushed it off not wanting to believe what I was imagining in my head.

He did not seem too pleased with the word, but I brushed it off not wanting to believe what I was imagining in my head

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies! So, I will be honest. The last few days I have been putting most of my attention on my other book, Forbidden Attractions and thus I haven't been able to update this book on time. I had to write this chapter last second, but I am quite content with how it came out. Although, the last few chapters have been a bit drama-free, I am going to start to get the gears rolling. Next chapter will be a little cute moment between Zayn and Emily and a potential steaminess may arise. I will see you all on Thursday with another chapter. Thank you all so much for reading.
Xoxo, Liz

Song: FRIENDS - Marshmello and Anne Marie

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