0.2 | the loveless prince

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I tapped the silver steel pen against the edge of my desk. It was a habit of mine whenever I was anxious or indecisive.

"I still think this idea is ludicrous," Kenneth said with a disapproving shake of his head.

We both stared at the packet laid out on my desk. It had the Magma Studios logo on the front page. Underneath it were the names of the producers and the director.

I looked up at Kenneth with my chin rested on my propped hand.

"Not everyone can get an arranged marriage that'll work out perfectly and end up as a fairytale story," I retort with a pouty frown.

Kenneth looked at me with an offended glim in his eyes. He quickly shook it away and leaned closer to me.

"I still don't think this is the right way to find the love of your life," he argued. "This a reality tv show that will be broadcasted around the world. If your father finds out he will remove-"

"My father already knows," I intervened with a smug smirk. "He approves of this."

Kenneth's mouth hung open at my statement. He looked to be in shock from the disbelief.

"H-He approve?" Kenneth asked and I nodded.

"He is just as much in need of an heir as I am of a wife," I shrugged nonchalantly. "It is a win-win situation."

"And what if you emerge from this single?"

"Then I try another show," I replied unfazed.

Kenneth sunk back into his seat, pinching the bridge of his nose. He really did not agree with the crazy idea of mine.

A part of me was also skeptical about it all, but I was not going to let Kenneth have the satisfaction of being right.

"I guess it is your life," Kenneth sighed in defeat. "You should do what feels right to you."

"Thank you," I grinned as I settled the pen between my fingers.

I placed the tip onto the white paper, just above the black line. I drowned out all hesitation and scribbled my name in cursive. Zayn Delacruz.

I flipped through all the pages until I was sure that no line was left blank. Once done, I placed the packet back into it's Manila folder and sealed it shut.

"Danny could you come in here please," I said through the intercom.

Danny, my personal assistant walked in through the door a few seconds later. He was a short, skinny college student that had been working for me for the past two years.

"What may I do for Mr Delacruz?" He asked politely.

I stood up and handed him the folder. He looked down at it with a confused expression.

"Take this to Magma Studios and make sure it is handed to the producers," I instruct.

"Yes sir," Danny took the folder and walked out of the room.

I turn to Kenneth with a happy grin, but he only returned a slanted smile. I could tell that he was still not too confident about this whole ordeal.

"You're going to regret it," he said in a sing-song tone.

"I may," I feign a sense of agreement. "Or I may not come out of this with my soulmate by my side."

Author's Note Hello my lovelies! Here it is, finally after nearly four years

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Author's Note
Hello my lovelies! Here it is, finally after nearly four years. Matches is going to be somewhat of a new format of writing I am trying out. I am going to post chapters almost like episodes. So, I will be updating thrice a week. This is just one part if the prologue, the first official chapter will premiere May 21st, 2022. Also, this book will contain a lot of mature content so viewer discretion is advised. Thank you so much for giving this book a try. I'll see you May 21st with the first chapter.
Adios my lovelies!

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