6.2 | awkward sleepovers

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I fiddled with the blush pink paint on my nails as I waited for David to return with his overnight clothes. It was awkward the first time around with Zayn and I was not ready to go through it again.

"So this is the master bedroom," David let out a low whistle as he looked around impressed. "I must say, you and Zayn are two lucky fellas."

David set his duffel bag onto the nearby sofa. My nerves grew as he took a seat beside me on the King-sized bed. I felt awkward being this close to him, especially knowing that he may have feelings for me. I jolted up and placed a few feet of distance between us.

"So... do you want the left side or right?" I asked, swinging my arms back and forth to ease my anxiety.

David chuckled. "You seem a tad bit nervous."

I am a lot nervous.

"Psh, nervous? Me? No," I shook my head trying to act cool.

I was nervous not only because I would be spending the night in a bed with someone new, but because of my nightmares. I haven't had any since the first night, but only because Zayn would sing me his song and stay awake until I was fast asleep. He brought me comfort and security. With him not here, I was scared the nightmares would come back.

"We can put a pillow barrier if you'd like?" David mused and I nodded.

"Yeah, we could do that," I replied.

David stood up and began preparing the barrier for us. He made my side a bit bigger so I would have more room.

"You can go have a shower while I finish this," David said and I wasted no time.

I picked up my cotton pajama pants, my matching tank top and underwear before rushing into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and stepped into the hot shower.

I tried to let the water ease my growing nerves, but nothing seemed to help. I closed my eyes as I let the warm water gently drip over my face. Without knowing it, I began humming the tune to I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. The melody helped ease my nerves as I imagine Zayn's arms around me.

The glass doors were filled with warm fog and I turned off the water. I felt a little more at ease and I quickly dried myself before slipping on my clothes. I walked out and David was already dressed in his pajamas.

"You're not going to shower?" I lifted a curious brow and shook his head.

"I already showered before coming," he replied.

I placed my dirty clothes in the laundry bin and walked over to my side of the bed. I slipped into the cold cotton sheets. David did the same and turned on his side to face me.

"So, is there any sleeping habit that you have that I should know about? Snoring? Drooling? Sleep walking?" David asked with a teasing smile. If only he knew.

"No," I lied with a shake of my head. "How about you?"

"Ivory said I mumble in my sleep at times," he confessed.

"Zayn moves around a lot," I can't help but snort at the thought. "One night he almost knocked me out of the bed."

David had a poker face. "You two seem to be close, then."

"We have grown closer," I shrugged nonchalantly. Then I turn to look at David. "You and Ivory don't seem to make any progress."

David leaned back and looked up at the ceiling with his hands interlocked over his chest.

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