12 | the finale

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It was finally Sunday. The day of the finale was upon us and I could not be more of a nervous wreck. Zayn had calmed me down after Lilith's visit and assured me that we would win the competition. He offered to pay for the transplant, but I just could not allow for him to spend such a sum.

"Woah, you got a cute outfit," Jennifer gushed as she walked into our hut. The remaining boys and girls had been separated the day prior.

Production has chosen a light pink suit-dress that complimented my glowing ivory skin. They had curled my hair and placed it into a high messy bun with a few strands sticking out to frame my face. Sasha had been placed in a long silk dress and her hair was held back with a lot of gel giving that freshly dipped in water type of look. Jennifer had a red jumper that matched her scarlet lips.

"I can't believe that this is it," I said as I looked at myself through the mirror.

I could not believe that I had managed to stay in the contest. Every day I just wanted to call production and ask them to send a boat, but Zayn anchored me. He gave me the strength to stay put and fight to win the contest.

"Alright ladies," Sarah as always wore a huge grin, exposing her pearly white teeth. "Shall we get this show started?"

"Yes!" We nodded.

We followed Sarah onto the patio which had been rearranged. There were two large couches lined up in front of the small live audience. Only a few fans were able to gain tickets to see the finale with front row seats.

Zayn, Jake and Jordan exited their hut. They were all dressed for the occasion. Zayn wore a light gray suit with a pink tie to patch my dress. We lined up with our designated partners and each took a seat on the couches.

"You look beautiful," Zayn whispered as he gave my hand a light squeeze.

"Thank you," I mouthed shyly.

Sarah stepped in front of the crowd as the camera panned in on her. Everyone who had been cheering began to settle down.

"Alright everybody, the moment that you have all been waiting for is finally here," she said. "Today we find out which lucky couple will win the grand prize of 1.5 million dollars!"

The crowd cheered again and I could feel my heart pounding hard against my chest. Zayn rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand aiming to ease my growing nerves.

"Before we reveal our winner, let us look back at the best memories of our final contestants," Sarah said as she directed everyone's attention to the large screen behind us.

I held back the urge to roll my eyes. I did not have time to be watching things that I have already seen first hand, but I knew it was part of the show. The producers couldn't just reveal the winners so easily. Everyone looked at the screen as we rewatched all the episodes.

It was hard not cringe. Most of the time I looked like a mess. They also included some Rated R scenes between the other contestants. I was happy that Zayn and I had only been intimate when we were at Cupid's Hideout. The other couples had not done the same though, well except Ivory and David who did not get along most of the time. Jennifer's cheeks had turned a bright shade of red as a scene between her and Jordan appeared on the screen. It was a short clip, but it did not take much to know what the two had been up to.

"How do I get him to stop crying?" Riya whined through the screen as she tried calming her baby.

I chuckled at the memory. The baby challenge had been one of the hardest, but also one of the best ones.

Riya who was in the crowd hid herself with the use of her hands. Lawrence who was next to her rubbed her back and laughed along with the crowd.

"I pick Emily," this time it was David. They showed the scenes of the switch-up.

Zayn chuckled as a scene of him glaring at David appeared on the screen. David who was also in the crowd next to Ivory had a small amused grin. I was glad that the two had ended up on good terms.

They continued various scenes from the show. Including some of the final dates. The crowd had mixed emotions throughout the video, some cried, some laughed and some gushed at the cheesiness. Finally the screen went black and Sarah stood up.

"These contestants have been through one hell of a rollercoaster," she spoke into the embroidered microphone. "With many ups and downs, but these three couples were able to make it until the end. However, there can only be one winner."

"Let us begin with the couple with the least amount of votes," Sarah opened up the usual golden envelope. "With twenty-five percent of the public's votes and leaving them in third place are... Jake and Sasha!"

Sasha looked like she wanted to murder Sarah. Jake and her stood up, walking toward the crowd that cheered for them. It was clear that Sasha did not appreciate coming at third.

"Now, to reveal our first place," Sarah said.

I held onto Zayn's hand as my heart raced faster and faster. Jennifer and Jordan looked just as nervous as us. We all waited for Sarah as she slowly opened the silver envelope with the winners' names.

"The winners of this year's competition are..."

Author's NoteYes, I just did that

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Author's Note
Yes, I just did that. I'm sorry I couldn't just reveal the winners. Do you think that Emily and Zayn won or was it Jennifer and Jordan? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Next chapter will be out later today. See you then my lovelies!

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