8.2 | the people's favorite

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We walked hand-in-hand toward the huts, but stopped when we noticed Sarah and the other contestants sitting near the fireplace.

"What's going on?" Emily asked with a confused pout. They all looked up at her with somber expressions.

"Zayn, Emily please take a seat with your fellow contestants," Sarah instructed. We finally caught on to the high tension surrounding the group. "As you all know, the finale is next week and that means only three couples can move on. We had the fans of the show decided who is their favorite and who is not."

Emily and I turned to one another. We both knew what she meant. As we approached the final week of the contest, another couple had to be eliminated.

The producers always allowed for this vote to come from the viewers of the show. Depending on the ratings of each couple, the one with the least amount of votes would be forced to leave. Emily squeezed by hand and I gently rubbed my thumb over hers.

I knew that she was beyond scared. If we didn't make it, we would be eliminated and I could not allow that. She needed the money more than anything and I would help her get it.

We walked over to the two empty seats left for us and waited for Sarah to talk.

"All the votes have been casted and two of you will be going home tonight," Sarah said as she twirled the golden envelope in her hands. "The couple that had the most votes and was chosen as the people's favorite is..."

I could feel my heart beating hard against my chest from the nerves. I wondered if Emily felt the same.

"Jennifer and Jordan!" Sarah exclaimed. Jordan brought Jennifer into a tight hug before the two shared a passionate kiss.

Everyone clapped for them, though the mood was still tense. We were happy for them, but we knew that two others would be leaving tonight.

"I can't believe it," Jennifer said as she wiped away her tears of joy.

"You two had thirty-four percent of the votes, it was a real close call on this one," Sarah explained. "The second couple that is safe from tonight's elimination is... Zayn and Emily!"

I finally let out the air that I was holding and turned to Emily. She too looked as relieved as I was. I brought her close to me, happy to be able to celebrate this small victory with her.

I placed a hard kiss on her forehead as I embraced her. We had been saved from the elimination and were on the road to the finale.

"Zayn, Emily. You two had thirty-three percent of the votes casted making you part of the top rated couples," Sarah said proudly. 

I hugged Emily tighter happy with the news. We were part of the top two which meant we had a chance of winning the contest. Emily wrapped her arms around my waist as she nuzzled her head on my chest.

"Ivory, David. Sasha, Jake. You four had the least percentage of votes leaving you as the bottom two couples."

The two couples looked down, avoiding the gaze of the camera lens. They knew that two of the four would be leaving tonight.

Emily propped herself up and gave Ivory's shoulder a comforting squeeze. Ivory smiled at her, but her eyes held a worry gaze.

"This was also a close one, but I am afraid two of you will be leaving here tonight."

The tension was growing as we awaited for Sarah to finally reveal who the couple being eliminated was. I knew that they were taking their time and production was most probably editing in some suspense music or cutting to a commercial.

"The couple that will not be moving on to the finale and will bid their fellow contestants tonight is..."

Sarah slowly opened the golden envelop in her hands and we all looked at her expectingly.

Who could it be?

Author's Note I know, I know

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Author's Note
I know, I know. I was supposed to upload this chapter yesterday, but I am not going to lie, I am having a bit of writer's block at the moment. It partly has to do with my failed driving test, and party because I am having trouble finishing this book. I am debating whether to put this book on hold or not, but I will let you guys know. The double-update that was promised is still happening. I am going to release the next chapter later today and we will finally know who left the show. Thank you so much for reading my lovelies! I'll see you all later.

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