9.1 | letters to you

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I looked down at the envelope in my hands. Shortly after we finished our breakfast, each of us received a pink envelope with a letter inside. They were letters written to us by our family and friends.

Everyone had gone to a quiet place to read their letters by themselves. All except Zayn and I. We decided to read our letters together, especially since mine had originated from a close friend of mine—Lilith. It felt surreal to have her letter in my hands. Zayn had also received a letter from his best-friend, Kenneth.

"You want to read them out loud or..." Zayn trailed off trying to figure out how I wanted to go about things.

"Out loud," I answered with a firm nod. I motioned to his letter with a bob of my head. "You can go first."

Zayn smiled at me gratefully and fully opened up his letter. Neat calligraphy was embedded into the white paper. I followed along the lines as Zayn began to read out loud.

Dear Zayn,

I cannot believe it has been a month. Your dad has been asking a lot about you lately, I told him you were on a business trip, but I think he's caught on to my lies. Although, I did not think this was the best idea, seeing you on tv with Emily has proved me wrong. You have got a nice girl there, and you should do your all to hold on to her. I can see that you are head-over-heels for her. You're more whipped than I am with Aurora.

Zayn chuckled and I could not help but smile at his friend's kind words. We both continued to read the letter.

Talking about Aurora, she sends you all the best wishes and a million hugs. Eva also sends you a lot of kisses and says she cannot wait to see her favorite uncle.

"Ha, she likes me more than Quinn!" Zayn cheered and I gave him an amused smile.

"Who's Quinn?" I asked curiously.

"Quinn is Kenneth's brother. He's the famous movie star, Quinn Hathaway," Zayn explained and my jaw immediately dropped.

"THE Quinn Hathaway!?" I asked and he nodded. My boyfriend's best friend was the brother of one of my favorite actors. The lucky bastard.

"He's always bragging about how Eva loves him more, but look. Kenneth just proved that I am the favorite uncle," Zayn grinned. He was cute when he smiled smugly, especially with a matter such as that.

"I can't wait to meet this niece of yours," I said with a smile of my own. "What more does the letter say?"

"The rest is just him wishing me good luck and saying his farewells," Zayn replied as he scanned the last bit of his letter. "Let's read yours now."

I opened up the pink envelope delicately. I was surprised to find two pieces of paper. One with Lilith's neat handwriting that looked like it had been typed up, but the blue bleeding ink proved it was handwritten. The other had the familiar crooked handwriting of my brother. I smiled as the tears swelled up in my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked.

I sniffed back my tears. "It's from my brother."

"You want to read it out loud or would you like some privacy?" Zayn asked as he searched my eyes. I was awed by his concern.

"Can you just hold me while I read it?" I asked and Zayn nodded. He wrapped his arm around my waist and nuzzled his face on the crook of my neck.

I took in a few dee breathes as I propped up the letter on my legs.

Hey Sis!
I miss you so much. Lilith told me we had the chance of writing you a letter and I could not be happier. I've been watching you on television and I am happy to see you finally smiling. That Zayn dude is cool, but if he breaks your heart I will beat him up. This sickness won't stop me, so he better be warned.

I chuckled at his comment. My brother could be very protective when he wanted to.

I know why you entered the competition in the first place, but I don't want you to be sad if you don't win. You at least found your soulmate and that's enough for me because now, if I have to leave this Earth, I know you'll have someone taking care of you.

My smile dropped lowly as a few tears rolled down my cheeks. I wiped them away quickly, but Zayn had already noticed them. He brushed back my hair and placed a comforting kiss on my cheek.

But enough with the sappiness. I cannot wait to see you again and meet Zayn in person. I can finally play with somebody else on FIFA. Hopefully he sucks at it so I can't beat him. I love you sis and I hope to see you soon.

"So... what he say?" Zayn asked curiously.

"That he misses me and that he thinks you are a cool guy, but if you break my heart you are going to have to respond to him," I said with a chuckle. Zayn smiled at my response.

"Well, he doesn't have to worry because I won't be breaking any hearts. Promise." Zayn replied as he pecked my cheek once more.

"Now, for Lilith's letter," I said as I pulled out the second letter in the envelope. This one I had decided to read out loud.

Dear Emily,
Ugh, that's sounds too formal. I am not very good at writing letters, but here goes nothing. I figured, you probably read your brother's letter first. The little rascal is doing good, I promise. He has been fed three times a day and I have been keeping up with his medicines. I better get a date with one of Zayn's super hot billionaire friends after this. Kidding. But if you can, you know I won't say no.

Zayn and I laughed at this.

I am really happy to see you living your best life. You really do deserve it. Zayn is a good guy and I have no doubt he will be taking good care of you even when the show is done. I don't really have more to say, but that I miss you. I will be seeing you soon though. The directors said to keep it a secret, but I know damn well that you don't really like surprises and I am not good at keeping secrets. Anyway, they have arranged for some friends and families to visit you guys. We should be arriving there by Thursday, two days before the finale. I cannot wait to see you. I love you, Em!

I gasped at the news. I would be seeing Lilith and my brother. I turned to Zayn who was just as shocked as I was.

"You're going to meet my family," I grinned.

Author's Note A little of a sad chapter, but hey, I was able to upload on time

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Author's Note
A little of a sad chapter, but hey, I was able to upload on time. I was going to put this book on hold but there are only eight chapters left including this one, so I though let's just finish it off strong. As you know, all good things must come to an end, and it is time for Zayn and Emily to go through that cliche turmoil that either makes or breaks their relationship. Get ready for more tears my lovelies. Next update will be later today. I am really trying to get this book finished before my Fall Semester starts and I have made a few adjustments for it to be back on schedule. After this book is finished, I will be writing the final book for the Forbidden Series along with a little romcom called Hate At First Sight.

For those of you who follow me on my second account, I have two pending books: Princess and the Fraud and Boyfriend for Rent. Hopefully, I can have those done by early December. Anywho, thank you all for reading! Next chapter will be uploaded later today.

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