9.2 | meet the family

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I looked at myself through the full-length mirror. I huffed out in annoyance when the tie came out crooked once more. It was already the fifth attempt and I was beginning to get irritated.

"Why do I have to wear a tie?" I whined to myself. Emily's laugh echoed through the room taking me by surprise.

She stood by the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest and an amused smile on her face. I could not help but let my eyes roam over her body. The light blue dress she wore hugged her curves and ended a few inches past her thigh. Her blonde locks were held up into a high ponytail.

"Take a picture it will last longer," she teased. I nervously scratched the back of my head as I felt my cheeks heat up from the embarrassment of being caught.

Emily walked over to me, her heels clicking against the marble floor. She stood a few inches taller now and I did not have to lean down too much when kissing her. She smiled into the kiss before pulling away gently.

"You'd think that as billionaire you'd know how to tie a tie," Emily said as she adjust the two ends of the black tie. The thinner side on the left and the thicker side on the right and lower than the thinner side.

In a swift movement, she swirled the thick part over the thinner side and repeated the process once more before being left with a neat triangle. She adjusted the tie so it was nested nicely between my collar. She made it look so easy.

"There," she said as she looked at me through the mirror. She smiled at her masterpiece.

"Where did you learn to tie a tie?" I asked.

She shrugged nonchalantly. "Before being a maid, I was a waitress and wearing a tie was mandatory. So, I learned overtime."

"I usually just put on clip-on ties," I admitted and Emily giggled.

How I loved that giggle.

"I'll be happy to give you tying lessons when we are out of here," she replied. Although, her comment was innocent I could not help but grin.

"So, I will be seeing you after the contest is over?" I asked with a hopeful smile.

"Are we not?" She shot back with a teasing smile. "You are my boyfriend after all."

My grin grew wider. She was mine and she would not be leaving my side. My girlfriend.

The light knock at the door distracted us and we walked back into the bedroom where Jordan was poking his head inside.

"Come on lovebirds, our family and friends will be here any second," he announced.

I grabbed Emily's hand and we hurriedly followed him out the door. The other members were already waiting near the wooden deck where a large boat was arriving. I could feel my heart beating against my chest. I did not know who they had volunteered to visit me. I knew that Elliot and Bennett had just welcomed their second child before I left, so they were probably extremely busy. Kenneth also had his family to look after, but maybe he had decided to come.

Emily grinned from ear-to-ear as she held her clasped hands close to her mouth. The boat finally came to a stop at the edge of the deck. A tall blonde woman stepped out with a dark-haired man next to him.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Sasha squealed as she rushed over to her parents. Jake followed after her ready to introduce himself, but stopped when he saw the elderly woman behind the couple.

"Nana!" Jake rushed over to her instead.

"Cindy! Mom!" Jennifer grabbed Jordan's hand and led him toward her family. Behind them was Jordan's friends.

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