2.2 | dirty secrets and sexy pick-up lines

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We all looked at one another trying to figure out who the so-called 'imposter' was. I noticed Zayn had become more tense. His hands were clutched together in front of him while he clenched his jaw slightly.

"Hmmm, my guess is David," Ivory finally answered.

She ripped off a part of the sticker that revealed the answer and frowned.

"Was it him?" Jordan asked and Ivory shook her head.

"Then who was it?" Sasha questioned.

Ivory looked at us with a hesitant expression in her eyes as she bit her bottom lip.

"It was me," she chuckled nervously as she closed the envelope. "I am not a paramedic, I am actually a-a singer. Yeah, a K-pop singer."

I raised an eyebrow suspiciously. Everyone else seemed to buy her charade, but I was still not convinced.

"Alright Zayn, you're up next," Jordan patted his back as Zayn went up to the button.

He seemed less enthusiastic than earlier. He pushed down on the button and the arrow began to spin until it landed on dare.

"Whisper something dirty to the person closets to your right," he read out loud.

His eyes slowly trailed toward me. Being next in line, I was the closest person on his right.

"Ouuuu," Jake wriggled his eyebrows teasingly while the other contestants grinned mischievously.

Zayn walked over to me and I could feel my heart beat quicken.

Just keep it cool, I told myself.

Zayn lowered his head and my breathe hitched at the proximity. His lips were brushing against my ear, his breathe against my skin sending goosebumps down my spine.

"Do you know what would look good on you?" He asked in whisper. I gently shook my head, entranced by his deep husky tone. "Me."

Holy cow.

He pulled back and looked down at me. A small grin appeared at the corner of his lips and I could feel my cheeks beginning to burn. It wasn't embarrassment though. It was a strange feeling that I could not point my finger on.

All that flashed in my mind was images of him... on me.

I shook my head and tried my best to get rid of the images. I could not be thinking these types of things and I was not about to let him get inside my head.

"Your turn Emily," Jennifer motioned me to go to the button.

I composed myself and walked over to the button at the middle. I gently pressed it and waited for the result. Truth.

"This person has had more than two sex partners in one night," I read out loud surprised.

I looked over the guys first and found Jake was trying his best to hide his smug smirk.

"I am guessing it is Jake," I answered before revealing the answer and sure enough it was him.

The game continued until there were only two people left. Lawrence and me.

We walked over to the boxes together and pulled out the final envelopes. They were colored red.

"The next challenge is a bit more liberating and requires for a few layers to be shed," I read lowly.

Lawrence and I stared at one another confused by the riddle.

"How about a game of cup pong with a little twist?" Lawrence read out the last bit.

"Oh, I know this one!" Sasha shouted. "Every time the ball misses we have to get rid of an item of clothing."

A sudden buzz rumbled over us and we looked up at the sky to find a drone making its landing. Clipped onto it was yet another envelope.

Lawrence took the piece of paper and opened it up. He read it in his mind before letting everyone else know what it contained.

"It is time to play Strip That Down Cup Pong," he said. "Again this will be boys against girls. You will strip a piece of clothing after every time you miss. You are free to bail out any time you want and the last two contestants standing will get a clue for the next challenge."

"Is it just going to be the same thing over and over?" Sasha asked annoyed.

"You have two hours to eat and get ready for the next game," Lawrence said before closing the envelope.

Everyone dispersed back into their small groups and I could not help but look at Zayn. He seemed to feel my gaze on him and turned to me. I immediately looked away.

What was happening to me?

"These challenges are getting crazier huh?" He asked as he walked over to me, trying to ease the tension.

"Yeah," I chuckled softly as I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck.

"What I said about—umm, you know during the dare," Zayn looked down at his palms nervously. "It was just a joke."

"Yeah, I know," I assured with a smile.

"Good," he replied before extending his hand out to me. "Friends?"

"Friends," I said as I shook his hand.

Zayn gave me one last smile before walking away. I let out the breathe I did not even know I was holding in. I could not help but feel a bit disappointed at his words, but I knew it was for the best.

The only purpose of this game for me was to win, nothing more.

I watched as Zayn walked over to Jordan and Lawrence. I could not help but let my eyes wonder over his body. His muscular arms hugged by his t-shirt as the sun flowed over his olive skin and his legs—Fuck. Surviving this game was going to be harder than I thought.

Author's Note Hola my lovelies! Is it just me but it feels like it's already the weekend? Anywho, what do you guys think? Emily is beginning to attracted toward Zayn, isn't she? In the next chapter things are going to get more steamier

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies! Is it just me but it feels like it's already the weekend? Anywho, what do you guys think? Emily is beginning to attracted toward Zayn, isn't she? In the next chapter things are going to get more steamier.

The next chapter will be uploaded on Thursday. Also, I have completed the trailer for this book and will leave the link down below. I also posted it beside the banner at the top. Thank you all so much for reading. I will see you on Thursday with another update.
Xoxo, Liz 💋💋💋


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