1.2 | seal the deal

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Mesmerized. I was completely and utterly mesmerized as her forest green eyes stared up at me innocently.

"Hey," it was the only word to leave my lips.

I mentally face-palmed myself for being so stupid. At the moment I needed my suave personality the most it decided to bail on me.

"Hey," she replied with a friendly smile.

Oh. My. God. Even her voice sounded angelic.

"Now that you have finally met your Matches, it is time to get settled in and ready to mingle," Sarah's voice brought me out of my trance. "Emily, Sasha. For being the first to arrive at the island you and your partners get first pick. Remember you can choose any room from the lovers-hut, but the Cupid's Hideout is currently off limits."

"This is so exciting," the girl named Sasha said as she grabbed onto her partner.

She had been paired with Jake. He was a tall dirty-blonde college student.

"I guess we should go look for our room as well," Emily spoke with a slightly nervous tone.

"I guess so," I offered another smile to ease the awkward tension.

We walked over to where our suitcases had been dropped off. I had packed the most simplest of my clothes to not stand out.

We walk toward the three huts. The first one was the largest of the three, with three bedrooms one of which was a master bedroom, it's own gym and mini cinema.

The other available hut only had two bedrooms and one communal bathroom, but it had its own gaming room.

"I think we should go with the first hut," Emily mumbled as she tapped her chin thoughtfully. "We can take the master bedroom."

"Which comes with its own bathroom," I added in agreement.

We both turned to one another with a firm nod. We ran past Sasha and Jake who seemed to have the same idea.

"You better not be headed where I think you're headed!" Jake scolded as he and Sasha sprinted toward us.

All four of us raced up the porch steps and into the large beach house. As we ran up the stairs Jake grabbed onto my foot and made me lose my balance. I let myself fall onto him to slow him down as well.

"Fuck," we both groaned as we fell down.

"Go, go, go," I ushered Emily who stopped to look back.

Sasha jumped past us and sprinted toward Emily, aiming to do the same. However, Emily dogged her hand and continued her way toward the bedroom.

"Booyah!" Emily cheered as she claimed the master bedroom for us.

I smiled proudly as she shut the door behind Sasha. The angry brunette stomped on the floor with a frown on her face.

"See ya," I winked at Jake with a smug smirk.

Sasha walked past me purposely brushing her shoulder angrily against mine.

I shrugged nonchalantly and made my way to the double-doors of the master bedroom. I knocked twice before Emily opened.

"Hello again, my lady," I said with a cheeky smile as I entered the bedroom.

"Hello monsieur," Emily replied with a happy grin. She let herself fall onto the King-sized bed and sighed happily. "Sweet, sweet victory."

I chuckled as I shared her happiness. The mini competition had helped break the ice.

I walked over to the balcony overseeing the backyard where the pool and the rest of the contestants were. The other couples aside from Sasha and Jake cheered as I emerged.

"This is quite a view," I breathed in the fresh air.

Emily walked over to me and was also awed by the view. We were able to see the horizon where the sky and ocean met.

"Woah," her jaw dropped at the sight.

"I think you should seal this victory with a kiss!" Jordan exclaimed and everyone nodded in agreement.

I turned toward Emily who was surprised by Jordan's statement. She tilted her head and slowly met my gaze.

Her cheeks were flushed a light shade of red. I could not tell whether it was embarrassment or the heat around us.

"I'd be happy to but only if you approve," I said assuringly. "What do you say?"

Emily gave me a small shrug before smiling.

"We have a contract to fulfill," she replied before shuffling closer to me.

Her response was a little less romantic than the one I was hoping for, but I leaned down nonetheless. Slithering my hands around my waist, I brought her closer and reduced the space between us.

Here went nothing.

Author's NoteHola my lovelies! Do you guys think that they'll kiss or will Emily pull away? Also, now that you have met some of the boys, who is your favorite thus far? Let me know in the comments your thoughts

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies! Do you guys think that they'll kiss or will Emily pull away? Also, now that you have met some of the boys, who is your favorite thus far? Let me know in the comments your thoughts. A reminder that Forbidden Temptations also updates today and follows the same schedule as this book, so if you want something more to read go check that out.

I will see you guys on Wednesday with another update. During these crazy times please stay safe and awesome and have an amazing summer my lovelies.
Xoxo, Liz 💋💋💋

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