02 | let the games begin

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I watched as the blonde beauty beside me continued to sleep peacefully despite the rays of sun already starting to peek through the curtains.

I gently brushed back the few strands of hair poking against her thick eyelashes. Her under eyes were slightly puffed up and red. I knew it was still to early to call it love, but I truly felt connected to her. She seemed to have scars just like me.

"Wake up sleepyheads," Ivory chirped as she poked her head into our bedroom.

Surprisingly Emily's slumber remained unbothered. I turned to Ivory with my index finger between my lips motioning her to be quiet.

"Sorry," Ivory apologized in a whisper. "We have breakfast downstairs if you're hungry."

"Thank you," I mouthed before Ivory silently closed the the door behind her.

I quietly slipped out of the bed and walked toward the adjoined bathroom. It was large with a shower and a bathtub that could fit two people.

I pulled my shirt over my head and let it drop into the laundry basket nearby.

After adjusting the water to my liking and slipped into the shower, closing the foggy glass door behind me. I let the water rain over me as I washed away my sleepy state.

"Zayn!" I turned my head to the familiar voice that was muffled by the closed door.

I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, rubbing my feet dry against the soft rug. I quickly dried my upper body and wrapped another towel around my waist.

"I am right here," I said as I stepped into the bedroom.

Her eyes immediately fell down to the cotton towel around my lower-body and slowly rose over my exposed chest.

Emily's pale cheeks turned a deep shade of red as she finally met my gaze. She was flustered.

"Like what you see?" I teased with a small smirk lifting the corner of my lips.

"Put some clothes on," she scolded as she covered her eyes innocently.

"You're the one that called me but alright," I shrugged as I picked up my clothes and headed back into the bathroom to change.

I decided to stick with some black trunks and black t-shirt that clung onto my arms displaying my hard-work at the gym.

As I stepped out of the bathroom, I noticed Emily had already picked out her clothes for the day and was ready for her turn in the bathroom.

"Would you like me to wait for you?" I asked as I slipped on my sandals.

"No, it's okay," Emily assured. "I'll meet you downstairs."

I clipped on the small mic we were given at the start of the show along with the smartphone provided by production.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the lowly paid cook," I jumped back, surprised to see Sasha standing outside the bedroom doors.

She was leaning into the wall with arms crossed over chest and smug expression on her face.

"Aren't you supposed to be in your hut," I reminded as I tried to walk past her, but she blocked my way.

"Ivory and Riya invited us over for breakfast," Sasha said with a smile.

"Well then, shouldn't you be down there with them?" I sassed.

"Oh, come on. Why are you so bitter today?" Sasha joked.

"What do you want Sasha?" I was growing tired of her presence.

"I know your little secret Zayn," she taunted as she ran her manicured hands over my chest. I pushed her hand away not wanting her touch on me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said as I pushed past her.

"There is always the recouping challenge in this show," Sasha replied. "Choose me and I will keep your secret. Don't and everyone will know that there's an extremely wealthy bachelor among us."

I rolled my eyes at her petty threat and made my way toward the stairs.

"You better do it Zayn, or else," Sasha barked.

I dismissed her comment and made my way toward the dinning area.

I did not care if people found out I was a billionaire, but I came onto this show undercover to find a girl that would fall in love for I was, not my last name and wealth.

I walked into the dinning room and the delicious smell of bacon, sausage, eggs and French toast greet me.

"Good morning," everyone said.

"This is amazing," I looked down at the platters of food with a huge grin.

"You can thank Lawrence and Ivory," Jordan replied as he looked over at the two cooks.

"Thanks guys," I said as I took a plate and served myself a little bit of everything. I grabbed another one and did the same.

"You must be starving," Jake joked as he noticed the two full plates beside me.

"One is for Emily," I clarified.

"My man is whipped!" Jordan chuckled.

I could feel my cheeks heat up as everyone looked at me, the boys chuckling and the girls held expressions of awe.

"Oh my gosh!" Sasha rushed into the room jumping up and down.

"What happened?" Riya asked.

"There's a game set up outside!" Sasha squealed. "Our first challenge!"

We all jumped out of our seats and followed her to the yard. Just like she had said a game had been set up.

There was a large cardboard circle in the middle of the yard that was split in half my a white line. One half was colored a light blue and the other pink. A white spinning arrow was in the middle.

'Truth' was written on the blue half and 'dare' on the other.

"Truth or dare," Ivory said out loud.

Author's NoteHola my lovelies! I apologize for the late update, I have been extremely busy this week

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies! I apologize for the late update, I have been extremely busy this week. I have decided that I will go with the Tuesday and Thursday updating schedule, so you can expect another update tomorrow. What do you guys think will happen in the next chapter? Let me know in the comments your thoughts. Thank you so much for reading. I will see you guys tomorrow. Adios my lovelies.
Xoxo, Liz 💋💋💋

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