5.2 | cupid's hideout

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"So, Jordan made some kimchi for us to snack on," Emily said excitedly as she shook the container of kimchi in her hand. I could not help but smile upon seeing her.

I was definitely attracted to her, but I did not know if I would call it love yet. I did not know much about her, simply the fact that she was a maid. I wanted to know more, to get to know all of her secrets, all of her dreams and goals.

"Are you going to want some?" Emily asked as she plopped down beside me.

I smiled mischievously as I nodded.

"Only if you feed me," I wiggled my eyebrows and Emily burst out laughing. That laugh was contagious, just like her smile. It filled you up with so much joy.

Emily smirked. "Alright, Mr Delacroix."

She reached over with a spoonful of kimchi and placed it against my lips. I kept eye contact as I took the mouthful of kimchi. I watched as Emily's throat moved up and down as her green eyes looked at my lips.

"You have a little something here," she said in a low tone as she reached over to wipe away the sauce.

I knew she meant to do it with an innocent intention, but the way she licked her lips as the sauce rubbed off on her thumb made my heart race. She did not know the effect she had—so seductive.

"Emily," I breathed out as I noticed how close our faces were. She looked down at my lips again.

"Zayn," Damn it. Her sweet voice sent shivers down my spine as I tried to keep my rushing blood under control.

The door swung open and Ivory entered with an excited smile. The two of us scooted away from one another immediately.

"You guys have to hurry downstairs," Ivory said with a wide grin. "They are going to announce this week's top couple."

Emily and I followed Ivory down the stairs. The raven-haired girl was completely unaware of the tense atmosphere between Emily and I. The two of us exchanging shy glances every now and then.

"Hi my beautiful Matches!" Sarah greeted as she stepped at the center of the patio. She looked elegant as always with a silver dress and matching five-inch heels.

"Hi, Sarah!" We all greeted.

"So, I have the results for this weeks top Match. The public has voted for their favorite couple on the island and tonight we find out who are the next two lucky contestants to spend the night in Cupid's Hideout," Sarah said with an overly dramatic voice.

"I feel like it's going to be Jennifer and Jordan again," Emily whispered to me. "They are the strongest couple out of all of us."

I frowned upon hearing her words. It made me upset that she was not confident in us.

"Yeah," I hummed.

"The couple with ninety-two percent of the votes is..." Sarah opened the golden envelope to reveal the names. "Emily and Zayn!"

I turned to Emily who shared my same shocked expression. We had been voted the people's favorite couple and not only that... we were going to spend the night at Cupid's Hideout.

"Congratulations guys! Come up here to receive the keys for the Hideout," Sarah said and we obliged.

We took the set of golden keys and everyone cheered. I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat. Cupid's Hideout was the only place in the whole island aside from the bathrooms that did not have any cameras. It was the place were most couples were known to get frisky.

"Enjoy the rest of the night my dear Matches because tomorrow the next challenge awaits," Sarah reminded before leaving us alone.

"Oh my gosh, you two are so lucky," Sasha said as she and Jake approached us.

"Someone's getting even more lucky tonight," Jake smirked before picking up Sasha and rushing toward their hut. We could not help but laugh at Jake's randomness.

"How do you guys feel about being the people's favorite?" Riya asked as she rested her head on Lawrence's shoulder.

"I'll be honest, I didn't even think we were the fourth choice," Emily chuckled nervously. "Most of you guys seem much closer than Zayn and I, but I am happy."

Emily looked up at me with a genuine smile. I could not help smile as well, happy that she was not upset about spending the night with me, completely alone.

"I am happy, too." I replied.

"We should probably go pack some clothes for tonight," Emily suggested and I nodded.

We both walked back to our room and chose some overnight clothes. There was a tense silence. I could now sense how nervous she felt and I shared her emotions. Anything could happen tonight and it could possibly change our relationship for the better, or the worse.

"Ready?" I asked and Emily nodded.


Author's NoteSo

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Author's Note
So.... Emily and Zayn are going to spend the night at Cupid's Hideout! Do you guys think anything interesting will happen? Let me know your predictions in the comments down below. I will see you all next Tuesday with the next chapter. Thank you all so much for reading! Have an amazing weekend my lovelies!
Xoxo, Liz

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