women wept | ninerose

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"it's a fantastic planet! you look down on it, rose, and it looks like a woman weeping

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"it's a fantastic planet! you look down on it, rose, and it looks like a woman weeping. brilliant it is!" the doctor pulled some levers as the tardis whirled around. rose grabbed onto the center console tighter, trying to make sure she didn't get knocked to the ground like they had so many times before.

just as suddenly as it started, it came to a stop. rose and the doctor were heavy breathing as they stood up straight and let go of what it was that they had been holding on to.

"now. open that door and look straight down. but don't step out. we're not actually on the planet." rose rushed over to the doors of the tardis. she opened them slowly as she had so many times before. as she looked down, her eyes widened and she gasped.

"oh my gosh. it actually looks like a woman weeping." rose cried. "that's incredible."

the woman truly looked weeping. rose could see her dress, which was blue, and her face in her hands, which were also blue. her hair seemed to actually move in space out behind her, and the blonde color of it shined like all the stars. rose couldn't believe that this was a planet and not a really good digital effect.

"you should meet the people." the doctor flashed her his signature grin. "not today of course. they're celebrating a national holiday. can't interrupt that tradition, far too important. but they all have 4 legs, 6 arms, 4 inch noses, and are about half the size of humans."

"what do they spit fire and breath water as well?"

"yeah pretty much. well, not the fire breathing." he nodded. rose raised her eyebrow. "the whole planet is covered in water, i mean covered i mean they have to walk through 20 feet of water to get to their parents house! so it only makes sense they can breath water too. that's why so much of the planet is blue."

"ya know, this, traveling with you, all over the place. it never gets old. we go to dozens of planets spread out over hundreds and thousands of years apart. i just, i love it." rose continued staring down at the beautiful planet. the doctor approached her and held out his hand, which she so gratefully took.

before he could say anything, however, the tardis let out a wail that sounded strangely like a fire alarm, startling them both as they ran over to the center console. the doors slammed shut and the tardis started shaking.

"what is it? doctor what's wrong?" rose cried.

"something's wrong with her. she senses something. probably trouble of some sort." the doctor gasped. "oh what is that you beauty. what are you?"

"what? what is it?" rose cried.

"i don't know. looks like some sort of bomb. but not a bomb from your current earth the technology's far too advanced. definitely alien. looks like it's heading for somewhere around the 1940's." he looked closer. "i can't tell. but the tardis wants us to follow it. hold on rose tyler."

"will it be dangerous?"

"yes. is that a problem?"

rose let a grin slowly cross her face. "let's go blow up a bomb."

"fantastic." he pulled the lever and off they went.

rose tyler... | doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now