return of the bad wolf | tenrose

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"she didn't just show me any old future

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"she didn't just show me any old future. she told me exactly the future i needed to see!" the war doctor cried as he finally understood what they could do to stop gallifrey from burning forever. he smiled.

"now you're getting it." the voice of bad wolf made the tenth doctor's head turn. he could've sworn he heard it, but that was impossible.

rose tyler was left on the beach with his clone not long ago. the walls of the worlds had closed, and that was that. he would never get to see her again. so why was he so sure he heard her voice?

"eh, who did?" the eleventh doctor asked, brows furrowed.

"oh bad wolf girl i could," the war doctor blew a kiss, "kiss you!"

"yeah, that's gonna happen." she remarked sarcastically. the tenth doctors eyes widened, and the eleventh doctors face wilted.

"sorry did you just say bad wolf?" the tenth doctor cried. the eleventh looked like he had something he wanted to say, but decided not too.

the tenth doctor turned around, and there, sitting just feet away from him sat rose tyler. except, it wasn't his rose.

no, she looked different, very different. her hair was frizzy, her makeup darker, her eyes heavier. this wasn't his rose.

"hello." the little wave she gave him made his hearts pang. it was the same smile and wave rose used to give.

"who are you?" his voice was quiet, and neither of the other doctors nor clara dared say anything. the war doctor and clara didn't know what was happening, but the eleventh doctor because he was tearing up and couldn't speak.

without a word he turned around and ran back into his tardis. the tenth doctor didn't even notice. clara was too shocked to move.

"rose tyler." she answered.

"no," he shook his head, "you're wearing her face. but you're not rose."

a smirk crossed her face.

"you clever boy. i'm just a wolf." a sigh escaped her lips and her eyes began to glow gold. "are you afraid the big bad wolf, doctor?"

the doctor felt tears come to his eyes.

"i was never afraid of bad wolf," he said with pain in his voice, "just of losing her."

a small half smile crossed her face.

"oh doctor." she was about to cry. "i am rose tyler as much as i am the bad wolf. i scatter the words, in time and space. a message to lead myself here. do you remember it doctor?"

the tears started coming.

"why are you doing this?" his voice was low.

"because. the universe finally understands how much you need rose tyler. i am the moment, in bad wolf form. i chose this face because of its importance in all your regenerations, even the ones you didn't realize it was there. i am the moment doctor. and before i go, let me just do one last thing." the doctor leapt back as a cloud smoke erupted around her.

"what's going on!" the war doctor cried. the tenth doctor barred his teeth and his eyes widened.

"you haven't met rose tyler yet. but you will soon. and you'll understand then. she's the most important woman that's ever been in our life. in any of our regenerations." the tenth doctors voice got louder as he spoke to compensate for the noise of the wind that was surrounding bad wolf. clara stood, eyes wide and slightly hurt, at the conversation that just took place.

finally, she ripped her eyes away from the sight in front of her and ran to the tardis to see her doctor. the tenth doctors breathing was heavy as the wind slowed down. he gasped.

in front of him, stood rose tyler, the same outfit she wore that day at bad wolf bay, looking confused.

"doctor. the universe has given you a second chance. use it wisely." bad wolf faded away into dust as she spoke.

"what's going on? where am i?" rose looked around until she laid eyes on the doctor and shrieked. "doctor."

"rose." the doctor was frozen. he couldn't move.

everything faded away, his past self, his future self, the war, the moment, gallifrey, everything. all he could see was rose.

"i don't understand." she shook her head. "how am i here? this isn't even my universe, is it?"

the doctor slowly shook his head.

"bad wolf brought you here." his voice was barely a whisper. "she brought you back to me."

"a message, to lead myself here." rose gasped and grabbed her head. "that's it. when bad wolf, when i said that back at bad wolf corporation. when i first looked into the tardis. i didn't mean here as in where we were then. i remember it now."

"what?" he asked. "how can you remember? you can't look into the time vortex and survive. that's why i took it out of your head. no human could survive that."

"no but i can." rose laughed. "oh doctor. the tardis is brilliant! when i looked into time vortex, the tardis knew i was going to die if i took it into my head. but she didn't want you to die either. so she did something she's never done to a human before."

rose beckoned him over and took both his hands, placing them both on either sides of her chest.

"two hearts." the doctor gasped. his face was pale.

"she used her power to turn me into a time lord, so that i'd regenerate. except, she didn't have enough power to complete it. before i came to you, i regenerated, but my face stayed the same. because the tardis used bad wolf to protect me. i just couldn't remember." rose let out a belly laugh. "i remember it now! i remember it all. this was always how it was going to end, doctor. i was always going to find you again."

"oh rose." the doctor reached down and grabbed her in a hug, pulling her as close to him as his arms would allow. "i've got you. i missed you."

"long time no see." she repeated the words back to him he had used on her not long before.

"yeah been busy." he gently set her down. "oh rose."

the eleventh doctor had re-emerged from the tardis, not saying a word. rose looked back and forth between the three doctors.

"what are we standing here for? we've got a planet to save." rose cried.

the doctor smiled at her words. he finally had his rose back.

and he finally felt at home.

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