her | elevenrose

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"it didn't want just me

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"it didn't want just me." amy said softly. she looked up at the doctor. "so you must believe in some god or, someone."

she hesitated, as if she knew that this was a sensitive subject for him.

"if i believe in one thing, just one thing." the doctors mad man face returned. "i believe in her."

"doctor?" amy cleared her throat. "what do you believe in?"

the doctor sighed. a half smirk crossed his face.

"not what. who." amy cocked her head. the doctor let out a small sigh, and he felt the tears begin to form in his eyes.

it took everything he had not to let them fall.

"someone i traveled with." he said simply. "a long long time ago. a whole other life time ago."

his eyes became sad and amy looked at him with alarm.

"who was it?"

"a friend of mine, someone i," he tried to think of the right word and wilted when it came to him, "lost."

"what do you mean lost?" something in the doctor snapped and he whipped his head towards her. amy jumped slightly in surprise.

"what do i mean she's lost. she's gone. she's trapped. trapped in a parallel universe eons away with time passing on earth like any ordinary day with work and food and beans on toast!" he cried, slightly chuckling at the reference to the day he first met her. the realization that only rose would've understood his reference softened him, and he stopped shouting. "she's lost now. even if i wanted to go back and see her she's gone. i'll never see her again."

amy looked startled by how heavy the emotions sounded in his voice.

"i'll never see rose tyler again." almost as if he couldn't control it, a hand went up to his cheek and he wiped the tears that began to fall. he couldn't stop them.

"doctor." the doctor lifted his head and slowly turned around. the voice was very faint, but it was there. "doctor."

he couldn't see her, but he could hear her.

"doctor who's that?" amy asked cautiously. the doctor let out a slight gasp.

a holographic image of rose appeared in front of him. she looked similar to how she did that fateful doomsday when he left her on the beach for the first time.

"rose." he whispered. but rose shook her head.

"i am the bad wolf." she whispered. but her voice, her eyes, were still rose.

they were still his rose.


"doctor. i heard you calling me. a message from the future. it's been so long, doctor. when you called to me. hundreds of years. with the brunette girl. you don't even look the same." a tear leaked from her eye. "it wasn't your fault. doctor it's not your fault. please, remember that. i wish i could, but i can't stay."

"i don't want you to go." he whimpered. "please."

"goodbye, raggedy man." she looked pointedly at amy who was gawking. rose raised her hand to place it on his cheek, but before she could, she vanished.

the doctor sniffled as the tears fell harshly down his sad face.

rose tyler was gone again.

and this time, the tears didn't stop.

rose tyler... | doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now