gallifreyan | ninerose

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rose woke from her sleep slowly

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rose woke from her sleep slowly. no crying or screaming to yank her out of her dreams, pleasant and unpleasant.

that was unusual.

she rolled over next to her to see if her husband was awake, but he wasn't lying in bed.

rose debated going back to sleep, but the sound of her baby cooing made her decide against it. she smiled as she climbed out of bed and threw her hair up in a messy bun. she reached her arms up towards the sky and stretched.

as she passed the kitchen counter, she saw that her husband had left her a freshly brewed cup of coffee. rose smiled giddily as she picked it up and took a sip, following the sound of someone singing. it led her to the bathroom, where her husband had their daughter and was playing with her in the tub.

"you like that one don't you sweetheart?" he cooed softly. rose's heart swelled with love for her little family.

he began singing to her again. after a few minutes of watching the heart warming scene in front of her, rose spoke up.

"what are you singing to her, doctor?"

"i'm singing an old nursery rhyme from gallifrey. i want to make sure she knows the language." rose could sense the sadness in the doctors voice. it hadn't been that long since he had lost his planet, since he had to commit the final act of the time war.

it stuck with him everyday and rose wished more than anything that she could help him.

she didn't respond, simply listening to his soft singing continue. the air was cool and relaxing.

"rose." he suddenly stopped singing and looked up at her, his face full of alarm. "rose. rose. rose."

rose snapped her head up. her vision returned to her, and rose realized she was lying on the ground of the tardis, the doctor standing over her, eyes chock full of concern.

"what happened?" rose asked. her voice was still groggy, as if she had simply been taking a nap that she was just waking up from.

"you fainted." he stared at her. "have you eaten recently? or slept?"

"i-i dunno really." rose lifted a hand up to her head to touch the tender spot. "ow. i had the strangest dream."

"what about?" he asked as he checked her vital signs. rose found herself wondering where he had gotten the stethoscope from.

"you wouldn't believe it even if i told you." rose laughed. she grabbed his hand. "but oh, doctor, it was beautiful."

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