4 things and a lizard | tenrose

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"yeah, listen, listen, gotta dash, things happening

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"yeah, listen, listen, gotta dash, things happening. well, 4 things. well, 4 things and a lizard." he gazed off into space.

"okay. no worries. on you go! see you around someday." the woman called. "hey! where's the blonde girl you travel with?"

"what blonde girl? what was your name?" the doctor called. he frowned slightly, his most recent blonde companion having been rose.

"sally sparrow!" she answered, a smile on her face. she decided to ignore his first question.

"good to meet you sally sparrow." she grabbed the hand of the man who had approached her and nodded at him.

with a quick goodbye, she led the man who looked shocked beyond belief back into the shop that they had come out of. the doctor smirked slightly, knowing he was looking forward to meeting her.

"doctor come on!" martha shrieked. "4 things and a lizard remember?"

he shook his head.

"right." he ran. "martha do we know anything about the lizard? why did they send us that message? they've got someone we know that but who they've got? and what the 4 things are?"

"no idea. all i could tell was that it's a blonde girl they've got." martha breathed. "all it said was 'come see her doctor.' do you know her?"

"i dunno i know a lot of people i suppose." the doctor stopped his running abruptly, causing martha to slam into his back.

"oi!" martha shrieked. "watch it you!"

"i've been here before." the doctor looked around. "we're not in london anymore."

he very carefully looked around, half expecting something to jump out at him.

"we're on a-a beach?" martha turned around in a circle, the confusion evident on her face. "why would the slatan want to lead us to a beach?"

the doctors head snapped towards martha, fire burning in his eyes.

"what did you say?" he asked.

"i said why would the slatan want to lead us here? how did they manage to teleport us both to a beach god knows where without us knowing?"

"norway." he said softly. martha stared at him. "this beach. we're in norway."

"how do you know that?" martha shook her head. "you're not making any sense."

"the slatan's. they're a-a nonviolent lizard race that can show you what you want most in the world. your deepest heartbreak, your deepest longing. make you relive it, your deepest pain. you have to live it all over again."

"so why are we in norway? shouldn't we be on gallifrey or something?" martha shook her head. "and if they're not violent why do they want us here? what do they want?"

rose tyler... | doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now