waiting | tenrose

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"DOCTOR!" the voice of rose tyler faded out into the distance as she called for him

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"DOCTOR!" the voice of rose tyler faded out into the distance as she called for him. he couldn't hear her. "DOCTOR!"

he could never hear her. but she wouldn't stop trying. she once again readied herself to patch a signal through the monitor behind him. hitting the lever, rose would have merely seconds to make contact, and she had yet to be able to get the audio to patch through, only the video. 

"I'LL SAVE YOU!" rose blinked. a gasp resonated through her chest as the temperature had skyrocketed and the doctor stood right in front of her. "MARTHA I'LL SAVE YOU!"

"DOCTOR!" rose cried out, expecting him not to hear. to her surprise, he whipped around in alarm.

they both froze. neither one of them could move. it was as if they had both gone into a dream, a wonderful dream, rose realizing it was real first. she snapped out of it and gasped.

"doctor. it's me!" rose cried. "it's me."

"rose." he whimpered. "how-how did you get here?"

"i-i dunno really. i-i was patching a signal through on the tardis monitor. been trying to get ahold of you for a year. i always just missed you." the doctor still stood frozen. "been busy, trying to come back. we've been building this dimension cannon so i could, well, so i could come back. the-the bees-"

"oh rose." he shook his head, as if finally admitting she was really there in front of him. she smiled at him before rushing towards him and he scooped her up in a big hug.

"doctor." she whispered as she squeezed him tightly. "are you-are you with anyone?"

the doctor gasped.

"martha!" the madman look in his eye made rose smile, she had missed it. "it's all my fault she's only 26 i promised her one trip and now she's floating into the sun."

"right." rose nodded. "well what are we standing here for let's rescue her then. come on there's gotta be some sort of failsafe or reverse option here."

the doctor smiled. he held out his hand to her, and she took it. the doctor and rose tyler, together. just the way it should be.

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