regeneration | thirteenrose

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the blinding light died down but rose tyler stayed frozen in her spot, hands over her eyes with her back slightly turned away

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the blinding light died down but rose tyler stayed frozen in her spot, hands over her eyes with her back slightly turned away. the doctor stood with wide eyes as she heard the ring her previous incarnation wore hit the ground softly.

"oh brilliant." her voice surprised her. it was different, very different, but she couldn't quite figure out why.

rose, however, recognized it right away. she slowly removed her hands from her eyes and let out a slight gasp as she allowed herself to look at the doctor.

"you're a girl now?" rose asked in shock. her voice was soft.

the doctor's smile faded slowly. she lifted her hands up to her hair. as she felt how long it was, the smile reappeared.

"yeah. is that alright rose?" the doctor asked. the smile wouldn't leave her face.

rose couldn't answer. instead she watched as the now woman she loved played with her hair, poked at her checks, felt for her fingers and kicked her legs.

"of course it, doctor." the doctor stopped playing with her new features and her smile grew as she looked over at rose. "but, you can't go by john smith anymore."

the doctors eyes widened even more.

"you're right! i can't!" the doctor began pacing. "good point, rose tyler. what'll i call myself? i suppose i could keep-"

her thoughts were cut off as the tardis began rumbling. it started shaking and both the doctor and rose were thrown off balance. they fell to the floor, sliding across it towards the doors as the tardis turned on its side and the doors flew open.

"rose!" the doctor cried. "hang on!"

she couldn't help but think back to the day that she had almost lost rose when she nearly fell into the void. the doctors hearts began speeding up and she felt her breathing speed up as well.

'i can't lost her. not now. not again.' the doctor scanned her surroundings trying to figure out what to do.

"i'm alright doctor!" rose cried. the doctor relaxed slightly as she realized rose was securely locked onto the railing.

the tardis shook rapidly and the doctor was caught off guard, accidentally releasing the part of the center console she was holding onto. "doctor!"

rose screamed loudly. she felt like she fully understood how the doctor had felt the day she almost fell into the void. rose reached out and loosely grabbed the doctors hand.

"hold on doctor!" the railing the doctor was holding onto was directly in front of the doors. if she let go, the doctor would fall out of the tardis and towards what was most likely earth. "don't let go!"

the doctor swung herself around and used her other hand to grab onto the hand that rose was holding her with. she wasn't worried she'd get hurt, she was worried that rose would be on her own.
the doctor worried that if she fell, she'd never find her rose again.

so the doctor used every ounce of strength she had and pulled herself over to the lever she needed.

every movement felt like a battle, and she could tell that soon she would slip into her regeneration sleep. using the last of her energy, she pushed the lever and the tardis doors shut, and the tardis fixed itself.

they both let out a breath of relief as they recovered. rose stood up and almost fell over from how shaky her legs were.

the doctor rushed forwards to catch her.

"rose! are you alright, rose?" she was breathing heavily and she could barely keep open her eyes.

"yeah. yeah i'm alright." with the reassurance that the love of her life was alright, the doctor collapsed to the ground. "doctor!"

rose was up in an instant and rushed over to the unconscious woman. she was looking around and breathing heavy.

"doctor! doctor what do i do? how do i help?" there was no answer. a tear fell from her eye. "help me. please, tardis. help me."

the tardis beeped and whirred. she used her telepathic link to the doctor share directions to the med bay and some things the doctor might need so that rose could help.

"thank you, girl. doctor. i'll be back. you'll be alright." rose stood up and rushed off. she smiled as she thought of the new female version of her doctor.

she couldn't wait for more adventures with her.

rose tyler... | doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now