through the cracks | elevenrose

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"two parts of space and time that never should've touched

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"two parts of space and time that never should've touched." the doctor zoned out. the thoughts raced through his head at the speed of light.

if time was out of place, out of whack, and there was a crack in little amelia's wall that had different parts of space and time that shouldn't be together, then maybe the doctor could hope.

'maybe, i could use the crack to get to rose.' he thought optimistically. 'no, this isn't about me, no.'

his thoughts were still swirling through his head a hundred miles a minute.

"no, no, no!" the doctor cried out loud. little amelia jumped backwards. "sorry, sorry, sorry! we're not here for me, we're here for-"

"TAKE ME BACK!" the doctor heard some tortured screams coming softly from the crack. "TAKE ME BACK!"

the sobs were easily recognizable to the doctor, who, to him, had only last heard her voice mere moments ago.

"that's new." amelia spoke up softly. "i've never heard that voice before. it usually just says 'prisoner zero has escaped.'"

"it's new, is it?" the doctor whispered. "it's not new to me, amelia pond."

"who is it?" she asked.

"it's rose tyler." the doctor sighed. "i shouldn't open it. i should try to see if i can hear what you hear."

he felt himself trailing off a bit.

"well why don't you open it?" amelia asked. he looked at her, wonder in his eyes. "you obviously want to."

"well, because-" he stopped and looked at her, smiling. "let's do it."

the doctor took amelia's hand in his and pulled her back a few steps. he held up his sonic screwdriver and pressed a few buttons. amelia scooted closer behind him.

"TAKE ME BACK!" there she was, in plain sight. rose tyler beating her hands against the wall, crying her eyes out.

"rose." the doctor called out, startled. her head jerked up, responding to her name being called.

"who-who are you?" she asked through the tears.

"rose!" he cried. "i'm-"

he stopped and patted his side with the hand not holding amelia's.

"i don't know who i am, not yet, not really." he looked down at amelia. "it's alright amelia, it's really her."

"i don't understand." both rose and amelia spoke in unison.

"rose it's me. it's the doctor." he smiled up at her weakly. "hello. i've just regenerated. i'm sorry."

"doctor? but how-how did you get here?" she asked, wiping her tears. she turned towards her mum, her dad, and mickey who all stared in shock at the scene unfolding in front of them. "how long has it been?"

"since i last saw you? minutes." he sighed a bit. "since where you are now? not long. a few years ago at best. we meet again, rose tyler. twice. once after the daleks try to wipe out the whole universe, and once when i was regenerating. you didn't know me, it was before we met. new year's eve, january the first."

"the-the drunk man on new year's eve. january the first, 2005." she recited. "that-that was you?"

"it was me, rose. i'm always here for you." he smiled. "this is amelia. she's got a crack in her wall, a scary, probably alien crack in her wall."

rose couldn't help but smile at the slightly less frightened child's smile.

"hello amelia. did you call the doctor?" she asked.

"he crash landed in my back yard actually." rose laughed.

"sounds like the doctor." rose sighed. she walked away from where the crack was and for a few moments spoke to and hugged her mother, father, and mickey.

jackie tyler had a few tears leaking down her face, but she was smiling nonetheless.

"right, well, if i've any chance of seeing you again you better stand back. i don't know what's going to happen when i jump through the crack." the doctors brows furrowed.

"what? no you can't! we don't know what's going to happen and we can't-" he was cut off by a bright flash of light and a booming voice.

"PRISONER ZERO HAS ESCAPED." his eyes shot open as he scanned the room, not sure what to expect. whatever it was, he had not expected the sight of the one and only tear stained face of rose tyler crumpled up in a ball on the floor.

"rose!" almost like an instinct, he pulled amelia pond, not letting go of her hand, over the bed and onto the floor next to where rose tyler lay. "are you alright rose?"

"i'm alright!" she held out a hand and sat up slowly. "heads just gone a bit funky."

"you're here." the doctors shock took over. "you're actually, properly here."

"i made my choice a long time ago and i'm never gonna leave you."

the doctors shoulder sagged. a few short hours ago he thought he was never gonna see her again.  and now, here she was, reaching her hand out for him.

"my rose." he whispered through his tears. "you're here."

"i meant it doctor. i'm never gonna leave you." he finally took her hand. "you're stuck with me."

he chuckled. suddenly, a big booming voice startled them both out of their thoughts. amelia jumped and hid behind the doctors leg again.

"PRISONER ZERO HAS ESCAPED." the doctor whirled around to face the crack again, amelia holding one hand and rose tyler standing at his side.

"now then, rose tyler, looks like we've got a prisoner to catch!"

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