i'd dance with you | twelverose

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waking up to kiss you and nobody's there,

the smell of your perfume still stuck in the air,

it's hard,

the doctor didn't fit in very well. he was an old man amongst a room full of young people, and he wasn't entirely sure what to do.

he just needed to get through to the room behind the stage, where an army of cyberman had set up shop.

as he walked past a group of people, the smell made him dizzy. lots of perfumes mixed together but one he recognized well.

it was the same perfume thar rose tyler used to wear.

yesterday i thought i saw your shadow running round,

it's funny how things never change in this old town,

so far,

from the stars,

he shook his head.

'you know it can't be her.' he sternly reminded himself. 'she can't be here.'

but as he continued his trek through the party, exchanging civil nods to passerby's, he once again ground to a halt as he caught a glimpse of a blonde girl.

the back of her head was difficult to judge, but the way she walked and moved and the color of her hair made his hearts speed up.

she looked just like rose tyler, and the doctor couldn't contain the tears that welled up in his eyes.

and i want to tell you everything,

the words i never got to say the first time around,

the doctor found himself staring at the blonde girl. she was paying him no mind, but he couldn't stop watching her.

the girl started to turn around, and the doctor quickly turned away. he didn't want to see her if it wasn't his rose.

and the doctor knew it couldn't be her.

it was impossible.

and i remember everything,

from when we were the children playing in this fairground,

he couldn't help himself. the doctor needed to turn and look. even if only to prove to himself that rose tyler wasn't there.

with a deep breath, he turned, preparing himself to be disappointed as he always when a blonde girl turned to face him. they were never his rose, so what did they matter?

he slowly turned around to face her. his hearts began to sink before he even saw her face, and when he did, he audibly gasped.

the blonde woman he had seen had, in fact, been rose tyler.

wish i was there with you now,

there were a million thoughts running through his head.

'what's she doing here?'

'how is she here?'

'am i in the wrong universe?'

he couldn't control his thoughts. the doctor found himself staring at her with a look of extreme confusion.

it was only as she began to approach him did he realize he'd been staring for quite some time.

"can i help you sir?" she asked, her voice not wavering once. she smiled sweetly at him.

if the whole world was watching i'd still dance with you,

drive highways and byways to be there with you,

rose tyler... | doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now