tony | tentworose

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"rose! your phone is ringing!" 4 year old tony toddled over to the coffee table her phone sat on

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"rose! your phone is ringing!" 4 year old tony toddled over to the coffee table her phone sat on.

"well go on then, answer it silly." rose encouraged him as he picked it up and tried to hand it to her. she knew it was the doctor, so she figured why not let tony have a little fun.

he beamed as he answered the phone.

"hiiiiiii!" tony said matter-of-factly into the phone.

"oh hi!" rose could hear the doctors muffled voice and tried her hardest to stifle her laughter. "is your sister there?"

tony looked at rose who didn't say anything. she just smiled so he kept talking.

"rose doesn't live here." this time, rose couldn't control her laughter and made no effort to keep it quiet. the doctor felt his face heat up as he heard her beautiful belly laugh through the phone.

still, he tried to keep his cool.

"you answered her phone. isn't she nearby?" tony didn't answer so the doctor decided to push his luck a little bit. "come on. i promise we won't talk long."

clearly that was the wrong thing to say.

"no. you always say that!" tony exclaimed, with as much anger as his loving 4 year old heart would allow him too. "rose is busy. bye bye doctor!"

rose barely made out a "no, no, no, wait!" before tony hung up the phone and beamed as he handed it back to her.

"wow, can't a girl even talk to her boyfriend in peace anymore?" she teased as she rustled tony's hair. "what are we doing that's so important you hung up on him for?"

"hide n seek!" tony shrieked. "you gotta catch me! count rosie!"

tony didn't wait for her answer as he tore through the living room and up the stairs, leaving rose looking at her phone laughing. it pinged.

from: the doctor:)
i'll pick you up at 6:30. happy anniversary my love<3

rose smiled. little did she know, from the other end of the phone, the doctors heart was racing and he was smiling bigger than he ever had before.

"just a few more hours." he mumbled too himself as he pulled the small velvet box out of his pocket. he turned it over in his hands, admiring the ring inside. "rose tyler. rose smith. doctor rose smith."

the doctor smiled. it had a nice ring to it.

rose tyler... | doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now