seeing the future | ninerose

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"are you alright doctor?" rose's voice was small and timid, and the doctor snapped out of his thoughts

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"are you alright doctor?" rose's voice was small and timid, and the doctor snapped out of his thoughts. she wasn't known for her shyness.

"i'm alright." he tried to reassure her with a nod.

rose sighed, and as he watched her wilt just a tiny bit, he realized he needed to say something.

"i've been having, dreams, lately." rose stayed silent, allowing him the opportunity to continue. "they're not really dreams, but there's no english translation for them closer than dreams."

the doctor took a breath.

"time lords sometimes have this ability. we can dream, of sorts, about our futures. it's impossible to control, and we can only ever get small snippets, usually 45 seconds or less. but i've been, seeing my future lately." rose took a deep breath to ask why his future scared him so much, but he cut her off before she could. "i can't tell you what i saw, not directly at least. it breaks all sorts of rules."

the doctor shook his head.

"i can't tell you what it was, but i don't like what i saw." he sighed. "it's hard carrying that with me everywhere we go."

rose smiled. she didn't say anything, and she didn't have to say anything. he knew that she was there.

"time lords are so strange." rose scrunched her nose a little bit with a teasing smile. "all, brooding and evasive. always acting like you've got something to prove."

the doctor chuckled slightly.

"i'm sorry doctor." rose said. "that's got to be hard."

he nodded. without saying anything, the doctor let out a sigh. he suddenly clapped his hands and smiled.

"so, what do you want to do today?" he began running around the tardis pulling levers and pressing buttons. "there's a cluster of stars breaking up in bilotarian galaxy. it is beautiful. or we could go the planet of scarves!"

the doctor kept rambling, but rose began tuning it out a bit. she smiled and nodded, but she was lost in thought.

she knew, deep down, that the future the doctor was scared of had something to do with her. she wasn't stupid. she also knew that he would never tell her.

as she sad there wondering what it could've been, she felt a cool wind rush about her. she shivered. and somewhere in the distance, she heard a slight whisper.

'bad wolf.' the whisper cried. 'bad wolf.'

rose didn't know what it meant, but she knew it couldn't be good. somehow, she knew what was to come.

and though she had no idea how things would play out, she didn't like where it was headed.

'bad wolf. bad. wolf.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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