amelia pond | elevenrose

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"does that mean i'm not the first then?" amy looked around, almost offended but trying to play it off

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"does that mean i'm not the first then?" amy looked around, almost offended but trying to play it off. "there have been others traveling with you."

"yeah. sure. loads of em. but just friends, ya know chums. pals. mates. buddies. not mates forget mates." he tried to ignore the panging in his 2 hearts as he remembered his misunderstanding with donna over the word mate.

"and out of all those friends how would many say, just out of curiosity, were girls?" the doctor tried to ignore her jealousy.

"some of them i suppose?" he tried to ignore what she was saying, tried not to think about the friends he'd had to leave behind. "must've been. it's hard to tell. it's a grey area."

donna, his best friend. the one who made him laugh when he thought he never would again. she grounded him. martha, the warrior. the one who did anything and everything to save her family.

rose tyler. his soulmate, his person, the doctors most trusted companion and friend. rose tyler. the love of his life.

"under half over half?" amy pried.

"probably, slightly, a little bit over?"


"everyone's young compared to me." he deflected.

"hot?" she poked at him. he felt himself freezing up as he vehemently denied it.

but there was no denying how beautiful rose had been. all of his companions were gorgeous, but rose's beauty was other worldly. at least in his eyes. tears pushed the top of his eyes and he tried to hold them back.

"no no no no no no not at all. not really, not at all. probably not." it felt like a lie, a lie he couldn't tell her. "maybe one or two. i didn't really notice."

but he did notice rose. he always had.

he was so distracted thinking of rose that he didn't even realize amy had tricked him into showing her the visual records.

"aww, thank you." amy cooed condescendingly. the doctor froze up once again as he realized he had just told the tardis to show amy everyone he's ever traveled with.

his palms began sweating. the doctor hadn't seen rose in a while. since he regenerated. the last time he saw her was the first time she saw him. as the pictures flashed on the screen and the doctor had to relive old memories, amy gasped.

"wait stop. that blonde girl. go back. who was she?" her tone had changed completely. it was no longer teasing.

"what?" the doctor knew who she meant, but he didn't want to believe it. he didn't want to have to talk about rose, talking about her was painful.

"the blonde girl!" as if listening, the tardis took the picture back to roses photo.

"why are you asking?" the doctors face wilted, and amy sensed that it was a sensitive subject for him. in that moment she didn't care.

rose tyler... | doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now