you weren't here | elevenrose

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the doctor pushed down the lever and relaxed slightly as the tardis made its familiar materializing noise

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the doctor pushed down the lever and relaxed slightly as the tardis made its familiar materializing noise. he let out a breath before slipping on his jacket and walking outside. the planet was sort of quiet, it was definitely sleep time and by the looks of it, he had landed on earth.

a sigh left his lips and he rested his hands on the railing that stood in front of him. no idea where he had landed, but the doctor felt at home wherever it was and silently thanked the tardis for taking him there.

"you know it wasn't your fault, right?" the voice of rose tyler pulled him out of his thoughts, and he realized a single tear had dripped down his face. rose had stood next to him, resting her hands on the same railing he had his on.

without having to tell her why he was upset, she knew. she knew that he felt guilty for leaving her in the parallel universe for so long, and that he felt guilty about almost leaving her the second time when he thought it would be best for her.

"and? i still lost you." his voice was sad and distant and rose felt her heart cracking in two.

"i'm here now." rose reached over and set her hand close enough to his that they were touching. "i'm here now, and i'm never going to leave you."

the doctor smiled, but it didn't quite reach his ears like it normally did. rose knew that he felt guilt, and she didn't quite know what to do to alleviate that guilt.

"i was gonna leave you again." he chuckled and looked away from her. "i wouldn't have been able to bare it. but it was selfish to take you with me. you could be living a normal life with your family."

"i don't want that." he looked at her with confusion on his face. although she had told him countless times she wanted to be with him, she had never said in so many words she didn't want a normal life. "i don't want to be with my mum and dad and mickey and tony if it means i never get to be with you again."

"but why would you want to stay with me?"

"because you're the doctor. you've shown me the stars, taken me to planets i didn't even know existed. you've shown me the universe and showed me a better way of living my life. there's something out there that's bigger than just us and i don't think i could go back to not being able to do anything about that in a parallel universe without you." this time, rose grabbed his hand. "so it doesn't matter to me if i live 2 days or 2 lifetimes, what matters is i'm here. i'd rather have 2 days with you than 20 years without you."

"rose-" the doctor couldn't find the words. he turned to her and placed his hand on her check. she smiled and leaned into it.

"i know." rose let out a content sigh. "doctor, i meant it when i said i was gonna stay with you forever. i can call my mum whenever i want too. but you, i'd give up everything to spend a single day with you."

"rose tyler," the doctor sucked in a breath, finally telling her the words he had wanted to for so long, "i love you."

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