in between | ninerose

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"so where are we going?" rose asked with a bright grin on her face

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"so where are we going?" rose asked with a bright grin on her face. "wait! don't tell me, barcelona finally?"

"wherever you wanna go rose tyler." he smiled up at her while she walked around lightly touching the center console.

"surprise me!" she answered, her tongue poking out. he walked over to where she stood and crossed his arms.

"rose tyler. did i ever tell you what i did when i left you and ricky in that alley when we met?"

"it's mickey, and no, can't say i've heard the story." she knew he was just teasing and took it lightly.

"i did so many things. i went to judaxis. beautiful planet that is. i ended up on the titanic, and not the spaceship either, the actual sinking ship. i saw the assassination of the american president john f kennedy, the coronation of queen elizabeth, the death of queen elizabeth, sad day for the country." his smile faded. "i saw the destruction of another planet, i saw the birth of a whole new universe, the extinction of dinosaurs and the rise of the cyprus empire."

"you did all that? in 10 seconds? no way." she cried.

"it's true. all that and then some. i was in a far off universe, in a galaxy humans won't even discover for another 250,000 years, and there was a war. and i remembered." tears glistened in his eyes. "i remembered the time i had to make a decision. the whole of creation or my own people? and it was impossible."

"how'd you do it?" she asked.

"i'd done it once before. and now, then, i was faced with another impossible decision. i couldn't see the reason or the value, and i was ready to give up, and then i saw you. your face flashed before me and i knew what i needed to do." he smiled at her. "that's why i came back."

rose couldn't say anything. she simply smiled at him. the doctor was taken aback by her reaching out and pulling him into a hug. when she let go, he returned her kind smile.

"barcelona then?" rose was the first one to speak. the doctor's eyes lit up as he started rambling about barcelona and pressing buttons.

he had made the right decision to tell her about why he'd decided to come back for her. and he never wanted to lose her.

little did he know what was to come.

rose tyler... | doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now