the repair kit | twelverose

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the doctor stared at the palm of his hand

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the doctor stared at the palm of his hand. the piece of metal that stared back terrified him. clara didn't know what to say.

"doctor, what are you thinking?" she asked softly. "what's wrong?"

"i could never do that to her." the doctor closed his palm around it. his shoulders wilted and he dropped his head.

clara didn't know what to say.

"doctor. who are you going to give the repair kit too?"

"i can't do it clara. i can't ruin her life again." his voice was but a mere whisper.

"doctor," clara placed her hand on his, "you're talking about rose, aren't you? you wanna give the last repair kit to rose."

the doctors head snapped up.


"how do i know about rose? you forget, i've been in your timeline. i've seen all of you, doctor. i know who she is."

"i can't do this to her clara."

"doctor. you know rose tyler better than anyone. you know full well that it's what she wants, and you also know what you have to do, because you know what you've already done." clara pressed some buttons and levers on the tardis. the doctor stood perfectly still as the tardis whooshed away and landed somewhere.

clara walked towards the doors.

"doctor, go to her." with that, clara shut the door and left the tardis, leaving the doctor with his jaw on the floor.

"she's right." he told himself, breaking out of his trance. "i know what to do, i know what i've done."

he began rushing around pressing buttons and pulling levers while muttering to himself.

"i've already done it. and she knew. bad wolf, she knew!" he let out a laugh. "oh rose tyler here i come."

the doctor grabbed the repair kit and rushed out the door. if his coordinates were accurate, he was at the powell estate in london in the mid to late 90's.

he quickly discovered he was accurate when a small blonde child ran right past him, briefly crushing into the doctors left side. his hearts squeezed a little bit as he realized it was her, it was rose.

"oh rose, come here! i've got to get your face!" jackie tyler ran past him, dodging him as she rushed by. "sorry sir."

the doctor looked down at his hand, the one rose had run into. the hand he had been holding the repair kit in. it was gone.

'i can't go back now.' he thought to himself, brows furrowed, 'maybe i should've waited till she was older.'

the doctor turned and walked back into his tardis.

"nah," he cried to himself, "since i did this later in my life it'll even itself out, she'll grow until-"

his eyes widened as he trailed off.

"bad wolf." the doctor rushed around pushing buttons on the tardis as he did his best to track the signals. "oh of course. i should've figured it out all those years ago."

suddenly, the tardis stopped completely. there was no sound, no nothing. he took a deep breath and stepped outside.

"doctor!" the voice he wanted to hear. there was that voice he wanted to hear more than anything in the world.

rose tyler stood, a few feet away, calling his name.

"doctor!" she called. as he looked at her, he could see that something was wrong, but rose was in front of him.

"doctor!" he couldn't think of anything else but her.

finally, he snapped out of the trance he was in and rushed over to her.

"rose." the doctor gasped. rose turned around, and suddenly, the whole world melted away, and it was just the doctor and rose tyler.

like it should be.

"doctor, is-is that you?" rose stared at him, desperately hoping it was her doctor. "oh my god, it's you isn't it?"

"it's me, rose. it's really me." he stood frozen, unable to embrace her like his previous regenerations would have.

"doctor." she whispered. "you-you found me. after all this time."

"i'll always find you, rose tyler."

"how-how long has it been for you?" her voice was soft. "you-you look older."

"its-its been a while. i spent four billion years trapped in a sundial. but, aside from that, it's been about 500 years."

rose gasped.

"a long while."

"yeah. a long while." he smiled. "but you're still fantastic, rose tyler. bad wolf, you knew the moment you looked into the time vortex what i did to you, didn't you?"

"yeah, but i didn't know it till much later." rose took a deep breath. "when you dropped us back, me and mum, in that parallel universe after the daleks moved the earth, i realized that i could still travel back to-to your universe."

the doctors nose scrunched.

"what? how?"

"because i'm the bad wolf." she chuckled and he smiled a bit. "i noticed that if i thought about you too hard, i could see you. for a little while anyways, then i just started seeing where me and mum used to live. i realized i could move around, and others could see me. so i figured out how to get mum and dad and tony back."

"all by yourself? that-that shouldn't be possible, not after the reality bomb didn't happen." the doctor furrowed his brows. "wait, where are we right now?"

rose smiled weakly.

"getting there. i got them all back, but something went wrong. it was like, they got back but i didn't. i just sort of, sat there, in the void. for days, then weeks. it's been about two months. i don't even know how i know that, i just do." rose sighed and her shoulders deflated a bit. "my poor mum. i can hear her, all worried, crying all the time. she doesn't know what happened to me."

"we can go to her. i've got the tardis."

roses face lit up.

"right! what are we waiting for then?" rose reached out her hand, and the doctor found himself smiling although he hesitated to take her hand. "not very touchy, this form, aye?"

"not as much." but he took her hand anyways. "off to the tardis then, rose tyler."

they ran off to the tardis, and rose looked around.

"wow, you changed it up a bit!" she smiled. "i like it! right. let's go see my mum, shall we?"

the doctor smiled, a real genuine smile. one that this regeneration didn't do very often.

"rose tyler, i'll take you wherever you wanna to go." he slammed down a lever to set the coordinates.

wherever she wanted to go.

rose tyler... | doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now