the girl at the shop | thirteenrose

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the doctor walked swiftly through the small shop she and yaz were in

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the doctor walked swiftly through the small shop she and yaz were in. they had come in search of cybermen, specifically a cybermen base that seemed to be operating out of the shop located in london.

"just act natural." the doctor coached yaz as they walked shoulder to shoulder through the shop.

a small escalator caught the doctors eye, and she nodded her head towards it. yaz immediately understood.

"i am acting natural doctor. you're the one walking like you have a stick in your bumhole."

the doctor glared at her and yaz let out a soft chuckle. she turned her head towards the sound of a crash, and yaz immediately jumped back.

"it's alright, just a box of-" the doctor came to an abrupt stop as she crashed full force into someone.

as they both flew to the floor yaz let out a little yelp.

"oh my goodness! i'm so sorry." the doctor began gathering up whatever had been dropped. "i'm too clumsy sometimes."

"it's alright." the voice of a woman made the doctor freeze in her tracks. her hearts about beat out of her chest as she slowly stood up to hand the woman her bags. "thank you."

the doctor was frozen. she was breathing heavily.

"you alright mate?" the doctor shook her head.

"yeah. sorry. what's your name?" the doctor asked timidly. yaz was exchanging a murderous glance between the doctor and the woman in front of her.

"rose. rose tyler." the doctor almost passed out. "and you are?"

"john, er, jessica smith." rose threw her a weird glance. "sometimes i forget i'm not a man."

"right. well. thanks anyway." before the doctor could say anything, rose walked away. the doctor kept her eyes on the familiar blonde until she was out of site.

"come on yaz!" the doctor immediately took off down the stairs and towards the tardis, cybermen forgotten. yaz could barely keep up. "i've got to track the particles back to norway and i can-"

"doctor!" yaz cried, out of breath. "what are you on about?"

"it's rose, yaz. rose."

"hold on. i've heard that name before. jack mentioned her. she was your friend, the one who got trapped in a parallel universe." the doctor got quiet. "wasn't she?"

the doctor still didn't answer.

"why won't you answer me?"

"yaz it doesn't matter who she was. what matters is she's back now." the tardis dinged. "i've got it! i'm just gonna go outside and get a sample of grass for some moisture. i won't be a moment."

"doctor-" the doctor didn't listen. she threw open the doors of the tardis and rushed outside.

she had barely made it a few feet though, before she once again collided face first with the one and only rose tyler.

"rose." the doctor breathed, catching the blonde before they both crashed to the floor again. she shook her head. "sorry mate. can't keep crashing into like this, it might-"

"it's you, isn't it?" rose cried, glancing back and forth between the doctor and the tardis. "doctor? my doctor?"

the doctor sucked in a breath.

"hello." she whispered.

"doctor. it's you!" rose cried. "i-i spent all that time trying to find you it's-"

"doctor!" the tardis doors flew open and out came yaz. "you are going to explain right now what is-"

"who are you?" rose asked, slight disdain in her voice. "doctor who is she?"

"who am i?" yaz cried. "who are you? i am the doctors most loyal companion."

"rose. how did you get back here?" the doctor paid yaz no attention. she wasn't trying to ignore the poor girl, but rose was in front of her.

how could she think of anything else?

rose seemingly forgot about yaz and turned back to the doctor.

"after you were gone, the metacrisis passed. it was when you regenerated, his human mind and the time lord consciousness couldn't sustain itself. sound familiar?" the doctor let out a tear as she thought of donna. "i was still working for torchwood. they found a wormhole. it was tiny, but enough to get the dimension cannon working. they sent me, my mum and my dad through. we found mickey here. he took us in."

"mickey the idiot." the doctor laughed.

"yeah. mickey the idiot. but it worked. we got back here. once we got back here i realized that i had no idea where to find you. so i started investigating. alien tech, sightings, anything torchwood would have deemed unusual in the parallel universe. and i know it sounds crazy, but i swear i saw a cybermen here the other day."

"that's what we're here for too. apparently there's a cyberbase here, in the shop. i was going in search of it when i ran into you. i needed to figure out how you were here before i interacted with you, in case i was crossing my own timeline somehow." the doctor sighed. "oh rose tyler this is brilliant! you can travel with me in the tardis again, the doctor and rose tyler. as it should be. but only if you want too of course i would never-"

rose realized that the doctor could ramble all day if one let her. so she did the only thing she could think of.

rose tyler leaned in, and pressed a firm kiss to the love of her life.

the doctor and rose tyler, as it should be.

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