what happened to her? | elevenrose

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"you really want to know?" eleven asked his younger self

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"you really want to know?" eleven asked his younger self. his hearts were beating fast at the mention of her.

they always did.

"i won't remember any of this anyways, so tell me. what is it that you don't want to talk about so badly? what happens to her? what happens to rose?" the tenth doctor's eyes held a trace of tears.

"bad wolf bay." eleven's eyes were bitter.

"what's bad wolf bay?" ten asked.

"where is rose right now? you haven't lost her yet, she should be here." the eleventh doctor asked. ten shook his head.

"she-she wanted to spend a few days with her mum. it's jackie's birthday." eleven instantly remembered when he left her home for those few days. "he-the other us, the other doctor. he said bad wolf girl."

a small, sad smile crossed his face.

"someday, someday very, very soon for you, there's a war. the daleks and the cybermen come through the walls of the parallel universe where mickey stayed. people were dying. everyone was scared. it was the worst day humanity had seen up to that point."

"she's not-" ten shook his head as a tear fell.

"no. she's not dead. but she gets sucked into the void. there's no way i, no way we could have saved her. the alternative universe version of her father saved her right before she got trapped there forever, with daleks and cybermen." eleven sucked in a huge breath. "but the walls closed. she got stuck, trapped in a parallel world with her family."

ten didn't say anything. he couldn't, knowing he'd have to lose his rose someday soon.

"but the walls open again. the daleks, they have this big plan to wipe out all of creation. and somehow, the walls of the worlds start to break down. and rose, well she'd been working on this big machine with torchwood to bring her back." eleven smiled at the memory. he couldn't bring himself to look at clara, who looked at him like he had just kicked a puppy. "and it worked. she found us. one of our regenerations gets used in the process but our face stays the same. she's there through it all. another version of us, sprouts out of your hand. you remember the one?"

the eleventh doctor lifted his hand and wiggled his fingers, causing the tenth doctor to chuckle.

"i remember." he whispered.

"he destroys the daleks. all of them. genocide. again. and when all is said and done, you, i leave rose tyler on that very same bad wolf bay. with you. the human version of you. a version that will never regenerate. partially human. it was the last time i ever saw her. i'll never see rose tyler again." his eyes became distant and tears streaked down his face.

"why would you leave her there?" the tenth doctor spat out. "why would you leave her there once, let alone twice? what's wrong with you? with me?"

eleven wiped his eyes.

"you know as well as i do that she deserves happiness." his voice was low. "she deserves a normal life."

"but she never wanted that."

"with you? she did."

ten didn't say anything. he couldn't say anything. instead, he turned on his heel and walked towards his tardis. he paused right before he shut the door.

"you know as well as i that we need her. more than anyone." ten's gaze briefly flickered to clara, who stood off to the side looking a mix of angry and sad. "never forget that. never forget what we did, because i won't remember. but you'd better not forget her."

he didn't wait for a response. eleven let his shoulders sag.

"i won't forget her, i'll never forget rose tyler." he whispered. "never."

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