together again | elevenrose

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"oi!" the eleventh doctor cried as he took in the site in front of him

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"oi!" the eleventh doctor cried as he took in the site in front of him. "sand shoes."

he had crossed his own timeline, that wasn't supposed to happen. not only was it not supposed to happen, but how did he not remember it from his last regeneration?

"bow tie." ten shot back. eleven straightened out his bow tie and smiled.

"oi, bow ties are cool." his eyes caught the eyes of the blonde woman standing next to ten. eleven gasped. "oh my."

"you can't be here." ten growled. he glanced briefly at amy, his face wilting briefly as he realized what that could mean for rose in his future. "wait, that's-"

"yeah." eleven said, eyes still fixated on rose.

"but what happened to-"

"daleks. and cybermen."

"is she-"


"and do we ever-"

"once. someday soon. but not for long." amy and rose stared at their respective doctors with confusion all over there faces.

"doctor, what's going on?" amy poked her doctor on the arm. she stood closer to him, holding his arm.

she was absolutely shocked when he shook her off.

"i'm-i'm crossing my own timeline." her doctor said. "we've got to send them back."

he looked up at his younger self and the blonde girl he hadn't seen for so long.

"doctor who are they?" rose asked, horror on her face. "that's you isn't it? but-but where am i?"

"rose-" the tenth doctor began to speak up.

"spoilers." the eleventh doctor choked up. "right. we've gotta figure out why you're here and how to get you back to where you need to be."

"amy, this is me, this is also the doctor. when we first met, i was still going through regeneration. this is the face i had before i was me, now." he sounded confused by his statement, but amy seemed to understand.

"right. and that's bad, yeah?" her doctor nodded hastily. "but doctor, who is she?"

amy whispered the last part of her question, not wanting to stir the pot at all.

"right!" the eleventh doctor cried, clapping his hands. "so i am crossing my own timeline, the question is why would i do that and why don't i remember that?"

"well, crossing your own timeline is dangerous, this has already happened for you and you probably don't remember it because of wibbly wobbly timey wimey, stuff." the tenth doctor trailed off. "yeah that sentence kinda got away from me."

"but you're right. i probably wiped my own memory in an effort to not change my own personally history. the question is why here and why now?" the eleventh doctor asked. amy pond had other ideas.

rose tyler... | doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now