have pity | ninerose

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rose tyler stood firmly planted by the computer that showed her exactly was happening to the doctor in that room alone with van statten

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rose tyler stood firmly planted by the computer that showed her exactly was happening to the doctor in that room alone with van statten.

she watched as van statten pulled the lever and tortured the doctor. her heart was going as fast as it ever had, and she couldn't help but feel like she wanted to make van statten hurt the way he was hurting the doctor.

"take me down there now!" rose screamed. adam looked like he wanted to argue momentarily, but he shut up and motioned for her to follow him.

what only took moments but felt like years made rose begin to think.

what had he meant he made it happen? how did he make the end of the war happen?

suddenly the elevator opened and rose rushed out. she saw the doctor, and she wasn't going anywhere else.

"rose!" adam called. she didn't answer.

"doctor!" rose screamed. he was in a room, tied up with van statten being torched, nevermind the metal-tron creature that was screaming as well.

she burst through the doors, adam right behind her apologizing profusely to van statten.

"i'm sorry sir she just-" van statten held up a hand with a small smirk.

"it's alright. let's see what the pretty girl does to comfort her alien boyfriend." adam's blood boiled at the sight of van statten picking on rose, but he was too much of a coward to say anything.

rose ran over to the doctor, disgust evident on her face.

"you're mad, you're sick!" she screamed as she pressed a button which released his restraints. "the lot of you, disgusting you are. locking him up and torturing him just because he's different than you, it's sick!"

she rushed over to the doctor, he had hunched over and was catching his breath.

"it's alright i've got you." rose cried. the doctor stood up and immediately pulled her in for a hug. rose happily reciprocated and the doctor felt his strength returning.

he took a deep breath in, breathing in her scent. it gave him the strength to fight.

rose, on the other hand, couldn't help but notice that they had stripped him of his shirt. she felt her cheeks turn red as she clutched at him, careful not to dig her nails into him.

"look at that, the human girl, giving a hug to her alien boyfriend." he gasped and brought a hand to slowly to his heart. "i almost, want to let them both go in peace. how sweet."

rose whirled her head towards him.

"oi you." she let go of the doctor. "you bloody old man! you kidnap these creatures from round the universe and what, lock them up for torture? and what happens when they all come back and do the same to you huh? you stupid, dirty old man!"

the doctor grabbed her hand and pulled her back out of van statten's face.

"rose stop!" the doctor screamed as he pulled her in for another hug. "he's not worth it!"

this seemed to offended van statten.

"excuse me," he stepped forward, "i am worth everything."

rose and the doctor both ignored him as they continued hugging.

"i'm just a man who wants to know more about the stars." van statten whined. "you should pity me, doctor."

"oh i pity you alright." the doctor still hadn't. "i pity what'll happen now that that dalek knows i'm here. it'll stop at nothing to kill me, to kill us all."

van statten laughed bitterly.

"and yet you still hang onto the nearest blonde." he turned away and began walking out of the room. "whatever. i'll be with the dalek whenever you're done holding onto the tramp."

the doctor squeezed her tighter.

"i'll never be done holding onto rose tyler." rose squeezed him tighter. "never."

rose tyler... | doctor whoWhere stories live. Discover now