Chapter 5 - The Day of the Concert

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It was busy in the restaurant of the hotel. It almost seemed as if everyone wanted their breakfast at the same time.

"Why don't you get your breakfast first and I will sit at this table" said Lily. "Ok" you answered. You were still thinking of the boy with the dragon eyes, who you just met at the Allegiant Stadium. In a way, you wanted to tell Lily about him.

Somehow you were also hesitating. This is because you knew that Lily was still angry about the way Jim treated you. After you broke up with him, she was the one to tell you to wait and not to rush things with a new guy. Not that you met anyone that you could fall for after your relationship ended with Jim.

"Ugh" you thought "what would be the point of telling her anyways?". It was not like you will meet this guy again. In fact you did not even know his name. You ate your breakfast and decided not to tell her about the boy with the dragon eyes. Besides, Lily was busy chit chatting with another group of girls who apparently were also attending the concert that night.

After you both finished your breakfast, you went back to the hotel room. Lily went straight to her suitcases and dove in. She was clearly looking for something. Lily always travel lavishly. She would bring one suitcase for her bags, one suitcase for her shoes, two suitcases for her clothing, and another suitcase with 'just because' stuff.

"This is going to be Epic" said Lily. I received the La Course Ideal Blouse from Casablanca just in time before we went to Vegas. I got it especially for you" She shouted while pulling out this beautiful blouse from her suitcase. "I know how you love the sun and moon so much, and pastel colors. So, this one is for you".

"Wow, this blouse is beautiful". You said. It really was, but even if you hated it, there was nothing you could do. For years, it has always been this way between you and Lily. Lily would buy things and you would wear it. There was no point in arguing against her. Lily would get what she wants.

But Lily has great taste when it comes to fashion. She knows how to style herself and others. People loved her fashion sense on Instagram and tiktok. Lily was becoming an influencer.

"So this, is a very special blouse! This is the blouse that my bias wears during the concert". You looked at her with disbelief in your eyes. "Oh Lily, I really can't! That must have been so expensive".

"No No No No, we are not going to do this now!" Lily said. "You are going to wear this and that is the end of it".

"Now let's see I got more for you". She took out a Lila color skirt from her suitcase. It looked like a schoolgirl skirt. "Yes this, is a master piece from Louise Vuitton" she shouted. "I had this shipped from France". "Isn't it amazing?" "Look at this silk skirt, they call it a trapeze skirt and look, it has organza lining in it".

"I also got you a Lila color flower crown that would look gorgeous with your long dark hair...and of course I did not forgot the shoes". She was looking into her other suitcase "Tadaaaaa" she said look, Nike Jordans for you my lady" she shad a big smile on her face. "What? you thought I would buy high heels for you? Nah, we are going to a concert. I need you to be comfy en able to run when needed. Most of all, I want you to dance and jump". Lily went on and on about her outfit as well. For sure what she picked out looked amazing and after all these years, Lily knew exactly your size.

You were mesmerized by all the beautiful stuff she just showed you. "Look" Lily said, "Please, I know you hate it when I buy you things". "But... one... I know you don't have a job at the moment" Two..I want to spoil my best friend, you are like my sister". "Three....I can't have you looking like a boho in front of seven handsome guys". "We are sitting front row, and I want you the get noticed....who knows one of them might fall in love with you" she laughed. "Oehhhh" she carried on "I really do love my BTS hallucinations sometimes".

All of a sudden the doorbell rang. "AWWW" Lily clapped in her hands and jumped up to open the door "Another surprise!". All of a sudden a whole team of people stood in your hotel room. Apparently Lily had hired a make up artist and a stylist, who each brought two assistants.

"Well" Lily said "I got champagne and strawberry covered in chocolate in the fridge". "Let's start glamming". Before you could say anything, you were put in a chair and one person started with your hair, while another was cleaning your face, and the last one was giving you a manicure.

After they glammed you up, you were standing in front of Lily. "Wow" she said "Look at you! your hair, my gosh...I love how wavy it is. You looked in the mirror and was surprised by what you saw. For months you have not been feeling good about yourself. This was the first time you felt like smiling at the reflection in the mirror. "Aww thank you so much Lily. Thank you for taking me on this trip". "Ahhhh wait" Lily shouted "Your outfit is not totally complete yet!" You were surprised, the outfit was more than complete. It looked amazing you thought. lily and the glam squad did such a wonderful job, she hardly recognised herself. Lily really knew how to make her friend feel good about herself.

"Here it is!" Lily held a light-stick in front of you. "We will have to pair this up at the concert". You looked confused "pair this stick up?"

"Never mind" Lily laughed "Trust me, tonight it will be great and you will see a sea of light that will make you never forget tonight again".

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