So Yoon was standing in front of the door of her apartment. Her head was pounding. "Shit...." she thought...I should not have taken that last shot of Whiskey. She should have known. After her last time drinking with Namjoon, it was obvious that he could handle way more than she could.
"Wooohhh, that man can drink.." she mumbled out loud, and tried to fit her key in the door. Somehow her hand kept moving and she couldn't get the key in the hole. "Fuck!!" she screamed..."C'mon door let me in" she banged on her own door. This is my place, let me in......"
All of a sudden the door opened. "What the hell?" So Yoon screamed. "Who is in my house?"
"Shhhhtttttt" Sieun pulled her in, trying to calm her down.
"What are you doing in my house"? So Yoon said loudly.
"Shhhhhhhh" Sieun said again, you do not want to disturb the neighbours. "Gosh, you smell like alcohol. Why don't you lay here on your couch, and I will make you a cup of tea".
Sieun guided So Yoon to the couch and disappeared in the kitchen. She came back with two cup of teas...but So Yoon was snoring now.
"Great" Sieun thought.
"Ugh, So Yoon was clearly drunk. That must have been a hell of an after party after making that video with Namjoon, Sieun thought.
Sieun sat down on the chair and looked at So Yoon. She was wondering what So Yoon would say after she woke up. Sieun was hoping that she would not be too mad that she sneaked back into her apartment. After all, So Yoon told her many times to go home. But if she didn't want her there, she should have never given her the spare keys to the apartment in the first place. "Yeah" Sieun whispered "Giving your spare keys is an invitation to your house".
Anyways, Sieun didn't feel like listening when So Yoon told her to go home. She still had things to solve and figure out with Namjoon. Besides, her parents were not looking for her, she told them that she was going to spend some time with Namjoon and that he put her in a nice hotel. She convinced her parents they needed some time as a couple to get to know each other better and to figure things out. Her mother was over the moon and told her not to hurry home and to take her time. Somehow Sieun always knew the things to say that people wanted to hear, especially her parents. T
If only they knew what was really going on. Sieun sighed deeply....
"Namjoon" Sieun thought and shook her head....All of these lying, it is all because of you".
At that moment So Yoon started murmuring. "Ohhhh ... my head" So Yoon whispered and slowly opened her eyes.
"Here drink this, it will help you" said Sieun and she handed her the tea that was made of different herbs. "That must have been a hell of an after party huh"?
So Yoon slowly got up and sat down "No, not really an after party..but Namjoon and I shared Wishkey".
All of a sudden So Yoon remembered..."Hey by the way, how do you know Namjoon?......Also what are you still doing here in my apartment? I told you to go home, your parent's must be worried sick".
"Don't worry about my parents. I told them that Namjoon put me up in a nice hotel so that I can spend some time with him together".
"Wait? What? How do you all know Namjoon? What is going on?"
"mmmm, you might need to sit down for what I am about to tell you. Also this might just add to your headache" Sieun said and looked a bit nervous and concerned.
"Don't worry about me, I'm wide awake now and the headache is gone...I think" Funny enough talking about Namjoon seems to do that to you" she laughed a bit, but then looked at Sieun in all seriousness. "Ok, tell me...what is going on...and lying please this tend to make up stories ...and I...

Namjoon - The boy with the dragon eyes - KNJ - RM Kim Namjoon
FanfictionEver since you broke up with your boyfriend, your life was turned upside down. Your best friend Lily begged you to go and watch the BTS concert in Vegas, a band you never had heard of before. All of a sudden he stood in front of you, the boy with th...