Sieun was back with her parents. It was somehow funny how nobody even suspected that she was not with Namjoon the whole time. Her mother was still over the moon of the thought that her daughter spent some time with Namjoon, and her father...well her father did not really speak to her at all. He was busy, Just as always, business was important to him. "But I guess if you are the CEO of a big company, it is kinda important" Sieun thought. She actually didn't know any better. Whole her life her dad was not really present.
"Namjoon" she tought "the big star..and So Yoon...the other big star". Namjoon would probably be like her dad, always busy with his business of being the BIG STAR! How did she get herself into this, how did she get stuck between these two. "No it wasn't her who got her into this. It was all Namjoon's fault" she thought. Now she had to choose between the two of them and it would change her life forever. So Yoon had given her an ultimatum. Perhaps it was about time that she should talk to her mother.
Sieun started playing Soyoon's song.How was it also possible that So Yoon and Namjoon had to make a collaboration. Out of all people! The more she was listening to the song, the more frustrated Sieun became.
At that very moment her mother came inside her room with some snacks and two cups of tea. "Sieun, you have been in your room for days now, when are you coming out? Are you still tired from your visit to Namjoon". She asked gently.
Sieun sighed deeply. Somehow she couldn't stand hearing his name. "No, I'm fine now". Her mom nodded and became silent. "What is this music?" her mom asked... She was trying to make conversation, as she could sense that her daughter was annoyed about something.
Sieun stood up and paused the CD. "Never mind, it's a stupid song, I don't like the song" she Sieun said pouting her lips.
Her mother looked at her and didn't say anything. After a long pause her mother said "Why don't you eat something..I have brought you some snacks and please drink your herbal tea". Her mother stood up "It will make you feel better".
"Wait, I've been wanting to talk to you about something" said Sieun seriously.
"Ahhh, we will have to do that another time. Your father is almost coming home and I have to prepare dinner now" her mother said and quickly walked out of the bedroom into the kitchen.
Sieun knew whenever her mother said she had to prepare food, it was her way of saying "I don't want to talk right now". This really felt frustrating to Sieun. Somehow her mother always knew how to avoid things. How to redirect conversations and sweep things under a rug.
She laid on her bed, and started crying. No one cares she thought. My mother does not want to listen, my father is too busy....Namjoon only send me messages to see if I got home or not, cause he does not want me to cause any trouble. The love of my life will not talk to me, until I make my decision to be with her.
But if she agreed to be with So Yoon, it could mean the end of her career. It would be a scandal if people found out that So Yoon was with a woman. Her mother most likely would never talk to her again and her father would disown her. But most of all So Yoon's career, which she worked so hard for it. Sieun could never do that to her.
The more Sieun thought about it, the more she was relieved that her mother had to 'prepare food'. She was about to tell her mother everything, but somehow now she felt that she didn't really thought things through. Perhaps choosing So Yoon, would only be selfish and it would not be a good idea. She needed more time to think, but So Yoon only gave her week as an ultimatum.
Perhaps Namjoon was the answer....she looked at all his messages. I guess he was concerned and I have not answered him till today. She quickly sent Namjoon a message back. "So sorry, I just needed some time to think. I'm safely home. Perhaps we will have to meet soon again ...I've been wanting to talk to you about our future" and she hit the sent button with a deep sigh.

Namjoon - The boy with the dragon eyes - KNJ - RM Kim Namjoon
FanfictionEver since you broke up with your boyfriend, your life was turned upside down. Your best friend Lily begged you to go and watch the BTS concert in Vegas, a band you never had heard of before. All of a sudden he stood in front of you, the boy with th...