Chapter 49 At Home part I

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It was getting really cold outside and you turned on the heater in your apartment. "Uh make yourself at home" you said to Sieun. You could sense that both of you were feeling a bit awkward.

Sieun looked around "mmmm you got a lot of plants for such a tiny apartment".

"Oh...uhhh...yeah..I guess" you didn't really know how to react to her comment. "I guess I just love plants. You want something to drink or eat"? you asked her

Sieun was looking around observing everything. "So where are you from? You are clearly not Korean".

"No, nooo I'm not Korean at all, I'm from the States, but I do have a bit of Asian in my blood, I'm here for ...."

Sieun cut you off "I only asked if you are Korean or not"

"Oh...Ok" you said, feeling again super awkward.

"Sorry, I didn't mean too.." Sieun said. "I always get this way with people...I don't know what it is. I used to be a bully when it comes to people I actually like..I know it's weird.

 "Anyways, what I actually wanted to say is:  thank you"

"Thank you for what"? you replied and offered her to sit on the couch, which she did.

"Well, you are the first person who said not to call me 'a package' and now you have invited me into your home...and we are total thank you".

"oh don't mention it" you quickly glanced at your phone and saw that Anna was texting you "Is the package on the train?" 

"Ugh, here we go again with the package" you thought. You hesitated with your reply .... what were you supposed to say...the girl was standing right in front of you, she did not go on the train at all, and you agreed to all of this.

" I know who sent you to get you don't have to mention who you work for". 

You looked again at your phone "What were you suppose to say" you thought again

"Look, as I said...thank you...I was actually with my fiancé..uhhh my future husband..but even he thinks it was not a good idea for me to stay with him...Even he probably thinks, I'm just a package....I have been so confused about things . So thank you for taking me here...I'm glad no one knows I'm here..I know you can get into a lot of trouble too...I promise I will contact my parents tonight and let them know that I am safe and that I will go home tomorrow. That is..if you don't mind that I stay here with you..otherwise I will find a hotel room and get on the train tomorrow myself...."

Ok you thought, this was just going to be one night..that should be fine...You quickly replied "Yes" to Anna and put your phone away "oh god" you thought "what the hell were you doing.

You looked at Sieun and smiled: "Yeah sure, you can stay here tonight. I will take you to the train station first thing in the morning myself" But, why  couldn't you stay with your fiancé? Sorry I know it's none of my business"

"'s ok" Sieun replied a bit sad "Technically to the world he is not my fiancé yet. It hasn't really been announced yet"

"Oh are you seeing each other in secret? Like your parents don't know about all this, is this why you are hiding from them?"

"Hmmm, not really...we are not really seeing each other that way..I wish we were"

"Uhhh" you looked really confused at this point.

"I know it is confusing, and as an American you probably do not understand our culture and how sometimes things are done. So basically he has been my fiancé whole my life.  Our  parents set us up since we were young. I used to despite him because of all of this. He kinda agreed to it all when he was still young and I had no say in this. 

Now he is living his own celebrity life..and I am not really a part of it at all. Well, at least not  till things get announced officially, I guess.  So currently I feel like I'm living a lie...or something like that...I don't know it's all confusing" Sieun said sadly. "I came to Seoul to get his attention, to talk to him, to kiss him..because I had to know if.......Sieun stopped "Never mind"

You sensed some sort of pain and you quickly took over the conversation.

"Ahhh, a celebrity...yeah I've met a celebrity one time....and it was kinda love at first sight...if that is even possible...I guess.. " you shrugged your shoulders

I don't know, he lied though. He told me that he was working as the security of an event...but it turned out that he was the celeb. I don't know I'm also confused about it..I like him a lot, I still think of him a lot..but I've been in a relationship filled with lies..and I can't do that again. So I'm trying to stay far away from him as possible.

"Sieun laughed...oh is that why you moved...far away  to South Korea ...fuck celebrities" Sieun said...

You looked at her and smiled didn't really know what  the truth was about moving to Korea. Was it really for the money, or was it because deep in your soul, you hoped you would bump into him? All of a sudden you saw Namjoon's face in front of you...and for a minute you wished that that night in his apartment never ended and that you allowed him to kiss you.

"Ok, let's not talk about those guys anymore..not worth want something to eat? I make great grilled cheese sandwich".

"I would love too" Sieun smiled...she looked at her phone "Hold on" can I borrow your room for some privacy....uhhhh I need to see this Live". 

You pointed at your room "be my guest..I will make the grilled sandwiches, so we can eat them when you are done"

Sieun nodded and disappeared into your room.

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