The über was waiting in front of your door, ready to pick you up to go to the airport. One last check in your bag. "Wallet, check, passport, check, money, check".
You seem to be set to go. You were very glad that you were finally going back home. Well you had to make a stop in a different city, before you could go to LA.
They said they would send you the itinerary when you got there. You were hoping that the itinerary were not to full with events and activities, and that you would still have some time for yourself. Especially in LA, you wanted to hang out with Lily and spill all the tea about Anna. Somehow with the time difference and all the work, you two did not really had time to catch up as much as you wanted too.
You gathered your bags and hopped in the car. To the airport please. As the driver was about to step on to gas, you remembered.....
"OH please stop! Please just one minute...I forgot minute..sorry" Ugh you wished you spoke fluent Korean by now...but you did not pick up that much while you were there. Everyone in the office spoke English and mainly Korean if they didn't really wanted you to understand what they were talking about. Yeah, unfortunately You only knew a few words and that was it. Perhaps you should try a little harder to learn the language.
You quickly went back in and looked around your place. "Dang it" you thought where did I put it again?
You quickly looked around again and your eyes caught the second drawer of your desk. "Ah yes, I placed it in there".
You opened the drawer and looked. Yes there it was, your phone that had your US number. "Phew...I will need to turn this on as soon as I arrive in the States" you thought, and you were glad you found it because you didn't want to roam with your other phone that has your Korean number at the moment, it would become so expensive.
"I'm glad I didn't get rid of my old number" you thought "it will certainly come in handy now. You quickly closed the door behind you and went back into your uber. The driver looked slightly annoyed.
"I'm so sorry" you said quickly. The driver just nodded. "To the airport please" you said...and the driver began to drive. As you were driving by all the buildings, you took it all in. "Seoul, my new home" you thought. You closed your eyes." How I love you and hate you at the same time" you thought.
You arrived at the airport and took your bags from the bag of the car. It had been a while since you had seen an airport. Somehow there was something about travelling with an airplane. You actually didn't mind it. You liked to arrive early and sit down at the gate, have a cup of cappuccino and watch people who were traveling.
You settled yourself into a seat at the gate. You put on your headphones and listened to music and watched the people around you. A family of a mom and dad with 3 children were sitting across from you. The children were playing with iPads and mom and dad were trying to feed them.
You kinda got into the songs that were playing through your headphone. You looked at your watch, you should be boarding any minute now.
All of a sudden people around you jumped up. You looked around you, what was going on? You could see a sea of people coming by. There seemed to be a lot of photographers. The family in front of you ran towards the crowd and were so happy when they came back.
They must have seen someone famous you thought....You couldn't really see who it was, there were too many people. You kinda smiled and looked at the little boy. He was so excited and was showing off a hat, and he did a few dancing moves. He seemed so happy, but he stopped as he saw you looking. So quickly turned your head the other way, as if you had seen nothing.
It was kind of funny you thought. All these months you worked at the Hybe building in the PR department and this would be the first time you would get up close with one of their artists. You never had the opportunity to meet any of them. Somehow Anna made sure you would stay out of all these meetings, you just realised.
This should change when you come back from the US. You have told yourself a thousand times already that you had to put your foot down. But now you really just had to do it. Enough being Anna's assistant. Besides she has Deahyun now, the acclaimed assistant.
You quickly grabbed your phone to check your emails for the full itinerary. But nothing had come in yet. At least you knew that you had to be in New York, and which hotel you were sleeping at. Suddenly they announced the boarding of the plane. You quickly put your phone in the bag and looked for your ticket. "I will worry about it later" you thought, besides they did say they will send it as soon as you arrive in New York, so you didn't have to worry too much about it.
Hybe did things last minute more often. It was a way for them to protect the schedule of the artist. They did not want the risk of leaking information, as it had happened before and a large crowd would be waiting for the artist and it would be hard for them to do their jobs. Yeah you should not be too worried about the itinerary, it will surely be sent to you tomorrow.

Namjoon - The boy with the dragon eyes - KNJ - RM Kim Namjoon
FanfictionEver since you broke up with your boyfriend, your life was turned upside down. Your best friend Lily begged you to go and watch the BTS concert in Vegas, a band you never had heard of before. All of a sudden he stood in front of you, the boy with th...