Chapter 9 After the Concert Part 1

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Lily came back from the concert. She saw that you were sleeping. "Wow, what a night" she thought. She couldn't believe that Namjoon waved at Michelle when he came out to do the sound check. 

Michelle was very cool. Although the focus was on her the whole night. People wanted to take pictures with her and if she needed to go to the bathroom, Lily had to go with her. If she wanted to eat something, Lily had to eat the same thing. When Namjoon recognised her and waved at her quickly, she wouldn't shut up about it. Which Lily could understand, but honestly it was also exhausting in a way.

Lily looked over at you. Your whole face was still swollen from all the crying. "Yeah, Michelle is cool, but she wasn't her best friend like you." All of a sudden Lily felt a bit guilty. Perhaps, I'm exhausting to you" she thought while looking at you "It must be, Im quite demanding like Michelle, it is always about me."

"Ugh, I really missed you at the concert" whispered Lily while looking at you. You were lightly snoring and did not hear what Lily said.

"Ping" Lily looked at her phone, she just received a notification. "Aaarghhh" she screamed, Namjoon was on Vlive. She was so excited, but also sad that she couldn't share this moment with you. Lily quickly grabbed her ear pods so that she could watch the Vlive and not disturb you. "Oh my gosh" Namjoon looks so good. His grey hair with that black hoodie.

On his Vlive, Namjoon mentioned a few times that he liked jogging in Vegas. "My gosh" Lily thought and she looked at you. "Namjoon likes the same thing as you. You guys should meet one day" Lily laughed at her own thoughts. "That will put Mr. You Know who at his place". 

As she was watching the Live Lily thought "Gosh, so much inside information. How exciting he is making new music and will collaborate with other artists." All of a sudden someone asked when he will have kids. His answer was that he doesn't want to have kids at the moment. "Hmmmm I wonder what changed his mind about nothing wanting kids anymore. He used to want to kids and wanted to be a dad. He would be a wonderful dad" Yawned Lily. 

Namjoon was about to say goodbye to all his fans. "I think Im ready for bed too" Lily yawned again, she felt super tired. "Namjoon was right" she thought. He spoke about how towards the end he could feel that the audience was tired but kept going. He also mentioned that they felt the same way. Lily got under the blanket. "Huh never thought about that, but they must be super tired, and for him to do a Vlive straight he is so dedicated..I love him" Lily smiled.

Before closing her eyes she looked one more time through her instagram. She landed on Jim's page. All of a sudden she was awake again "What the hell" she thought angrily "he is taking his fiancé to all the places he used to go with you. What an a....." Lily thought.

She looked at you again. "Gosh, even in your sleep you look miserable!" Lily wanted to shout at you "This got to end! Snap out of it. Jim is so not worth your energy."

"OK, girl" Lily thought "Because you are my best friend, Im gonna give you one more day to grief. Then it is got to be over and I am going to make sure that we will have fun in Vegas for the remaining week.

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