Chapter 27 - As season change - Part 1

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The next two days after your meeting with Namjoon became a blur. You still had those two days in Vegas, but wasn't sure how to enjoy it. Namjoon tried calling you many times but when he realised you were not going to pick up he started to send you text messages. Telling you how sorry he really was for not telling the truth and pretending to be someone else. He also said that he hoped you would visit him in Seoul some day.

Namjoon wasn't the only one spamming your phone. So did Jim, however, with Jim you decided it was time to block him.

Lily couldn't quite figure out what happened to you and she was very curious and kept asking you questions. However, once you got back to LA, she realised that you were not going to tell her more than you had already done. Which was basically nothing much.

She continued to gush over her bias, Mr. Kim Namjoon. You tried hard not to show any interested. But after a day hanging out with her, you rushed home and looked at the picture that he gave you. 

You were back in LA for a little while now and it was time to find a new job. BTS stayed all over the news and at one point you saw all over instagram that they announced their hiatus. You sensed a certain sadness in all the members and kinda felt sorry for them.

That day that they broke the news, Lily was devastated. She asked you to come over, as she was sobbing. "What does this mean?, they said they are not going to break up" Lily said. You shrug your shoulders. "I have no clue, Lily. All I know is that it won't be the end of the world". Lily looked at you as if she could spit fire with her eyes. "How could you say that? That is so mean!". 

"Look, I'm sorry, all I'm saying is life goes on regardless" you tried to comfort Lily, but maybe your words weren't the best.

"What the hell, why do you have to use BTS references like that?" and again Lily started crying.

You wrapped your arms around Lily shoulder. "Look, I'm sorry...let's just see what the further announcements are as we go on ok?" "Lily, I am not trying to be insensitive and I would like to stay longer, but I have CV's to send out and look for a job, otherwise next month I will not be able to pay my rent. 

"You shouldn't worry too.much" Lily said while wiping her tears. "You worked for Sony music as their PR director, believe me you will get a job in no time.

You shook your head "I don't know with Covid and all, the whole world and jobs got put upside down. There wasn't  much PR to do so eventually they had to fire me and lots of others'.

"look"Lily said "if it is rent you are worried about, come live with me" Give up your apartment and come live in our house. My parents always liked you, we have like 10 empty rooms"

You looked at your friend "Thank you for the offer, but I will try my best to do it all on my own"

Lily took a deep breath, she was starting to understand why her friend was a little cold about BTS's hiatus...she had bigger things to worry about. Perhaps her father was able to help her with a job.  She would bring it up during  dinner tonight. Her father owned a big company and had connections everywhere. There must be something for her friend available. 

As you drove home, you saw the beautiful spring blossom. You took tried to soak up the beauty. Summer was coming fast, it seemed as if seasons changed faster this time after Covid. Things were slowly getting back to normal, it would be even more 'normal' if you finally could land a job. All of a sudden your mind wondered off the Namjoon. As soon as you came home you dug into your closet and opened a little box where you kept the picture of the two of you. "Maybe if we had met during a different time, a different season of life" you thought.

Suddenly your phone ranged, it was Lily. "Heyyy, did I forget something?'

No no no...Lily said, she sounded excited. GUESS WHAT! The band members said they will not be disbanded. They said that they will have to go and do military service and that they will do things individually" All of a sudden Lily's excitement died off, do you think that this could still be the end for them? Like you know other groups, when someone starts a solo career...Oh this still going to be the end of BTS?"

You closed your eyes...."This girl" you thought "she keeps reminding me all the steps of BTS' "mmmm .. Lily, I really do not know. But I have to hang up now...cause I have to send out my resume's remember"

"Oh yeah' Lily said..."That was the other thing..can you please drive back to my house, my father would like to talk to you' It's super important".

Namjoon - The boy with the dragon eyes - KNJ - RM Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now