Your itinerary was pretty full for today. A full day at a museum for a recording. There would be several journalists from a news paper and a magazine, and you had to liaison between the artist and them.
You made sure you woke up early today. "Yeah it was time to get back into your old routine". You somehow could not believe it that you did not stuck to your routine when you were in Korea. "Guess it was just a bit overwhelming all that moving and getting used to a new place". However, now you were feeling kinda jet lagged due to the time difference, and you were a still a bit tired.
But no, you should not go back to bed. You already told yourself that you would get back into your routine. So you quickly brushed your teeth and washed your face in the bathroom. "I will take a shower when I get back' you thought.
You were looking for your hair tie. "Where did I put it?" you were looking in your bag and all kind of things were in your bag, but the hair tie was no where to be found. "Oh maybe in the side pocket" you thought. But instead, you found your phone with your US. number. "Shoot, I still have to turn this on" you said to yourself and was holding on to the phone. You felt something sticking behind your phone......"Ahhhh the hair tie...yesss". You quickly put the phone down and tied your hair. "Ok, much better" you said to yourself "Better get going....old we go!!!"
You quickly grabbed your other phone from Korea, because you never know. What if the office was looking for you and you did not pick up. Did you actually had to inform anyone that you arrived safely? Perhaps you would text Anna later... You also grabbed your small backpack and your water bottle. You quickly closed the door behind you, took a big deep breath. "Ok no more distractions of phones, hair ties, and stuff" you said to yourself.
Yes, you were ready to get back into routine. The elevator took a long time, but finally it came and it took you down to the first floor where you walked out of the hotel.
"Morning walk?" The valet guy looked at you with a smile. "Hi morning, uh yeah....well I'm going to try to jog." you smiled.
"I would suggest you go and turn a left there" he pointed "if you go the other way, it might be pretty busy already".
"Oh, thank you, I didn't know that...thanks... have a great morning" you said and began to ran while putting your head phone on.
"No worries, my pleasure" he answered back and you disappeared around the corner, with music jamming in your ear.
"Phew" you thought "Only a few minutes into jogging and you were already feeling it. You started to sweat a bit, but did not let that discourage you.
Somehow the summer this time seemed to be the hottest. Perhaps it was just getting hotter every year, with the global warming and all.
You tried your best to jog on the side walk, the road next to you was getting filled up with cars. New York City was not really the greatest place to jog, but you were determined to do at least 30 minutes today. Besides you would not have more time anyways. "Where was that museum at" you had to make some arrangements for a car to get there. "Ok I will do that when I get back to the hotel".
You kept jogging, two more blocks and it was done. You slowed down a bit, because you were catching your breath. You took off your little back pack and grabbed your water bottle. You took a sip and enjoyed your little moment. You were kinda proud of yourself for not going back to bed and for pushing through with this "Perhaps I should take a picture, as a reminder that I should do my jogging routine at least 4 times a week...and as a reminder how proud I am of myself" You giggled and tried to catch your breath and took another sip.
You took your phone and was getting ready to take a picture. You saw this guy with a hoody a few steps away from you. It seems that he was tying his shoes. "Oh perhaps I should ask him to snap a picture" walked towards him, but then you thought "Perhaps it was not a good idea to walk up to strangers". So you decided to take a selfie and quickly jogged back to the hotel.

Namjoon - The boy with the dragon eyes - KNJ - RM Kim Namjoon
FanfictionEver since you broke up with your boyfriend, your life was turned upside down. Your best friend Lily begged you to go and watch the BTS concert in Vegas, a band you never had heard of before. All of a sudden he stood in front of you, the boy with th...