Sieun was in the shower and Namjoon quickly took an Advil. He was developing a headache from all of this. He felt bad that he had to send Sieun away, and that he wasn't even allowed to take her to the lobby. If it was up to him, he would have taken her to the train station himself. "Who would let a girl go on her own like that?".
Nevertheless, he knew Bang PD was right, someone could see them together. The paparazzi was always lurking to get a picture and to create a scandal. They should avoid it at all cost, especially now that they were going into the military soon, and BTS could be in a vulnerable state.
Yeah, they better avoid the paparazzi, at least until the announcement of their engagement. Thinking of the engagement, Namjoon really felt the headache now. "Why did he agree to do this?" he thought again. He wanted to marry the person that he loved with all his heart. He wasn't sure if he was capable of doing that with Sieun.
"Oh yeah, Sieun" ...he could hear her in the shower. He quickly walked to his closet and took a shirt out. Perhaps she needed some new clothes. But she wouldn't fit any of his pants. Sieun was way too thin for that. Sieun came out of the shower. "Thank you" she said "I feel much better now". She looked great, her skin was glowing..she was wearing the same clothes as she was wearing last night.
"Yeah.." not a a fresh shirt for you. Perhaps you want to change? Keep it, it's still new..I never worn it can have it. I wanted to give you my pants too, but I don't have anything that is your size..." Namjoon said, whilst still looking through his clothing to see if there would be anything she could fit.
"No worries Namjoon,.Thank you...the shirt is enough" Sieun said ... and she was about to take off her shirt to change it into his.
"OH ..uh" Namjoon didn't know where to look and quickly turned around.
"Oh my gosh" Sieun said..soon enough you are going to see me naked anyways. At least I'm still wearing my bra.
Namjoon felt his cheeks turned red, he didn't know what to say. So he quickly tried to change the conversation."Uh..Sieun...look I'm sorry we can't do much together this time, and I'm sorry to send you home like this...but Bang PD"
"Yeah yeah..Bang PD" she repeated "You can turn around now" she said firmly.
Namjoon turned around. The blue shirt looked great on her.."but probably anything would look great on her" he thought. She had tied a little knot on the edge of the shirt, so that it would wrap around her tiny waist and her short skirt looked great styled like that.
"Do you do everything Bang PD tells you to do?" Sieun asked
Namjoon walked back into the kitchen and started talking "Look, Bang PD always has his best interest at heart, when it comes to me and the rest of the group...I. understand that ..."
At that moment a buzzer went off. "Hold on, Namjoon said, it's the concierge from the lobby calling. "Yes...ok...yes ....I will send the package down right now" Namjoon said and hang up.
"They are here to pick you up, waiting in the lobby"
"Well, I better go than" Sieun said
"Yeah..I guess" Namjoon said "Let me at least walk you to the door"
He opened the door and wanted to shake hands and say goodbye. But Sieun pushed his hand and closed the door with force.
"Look Namjoon" can you at least give me a kiss? I need to know if I..." she stopped.
"You need to know what?" Namjoon asked confused.
"I can't explain..just kiss me" and she gave him a long kiss on his lips. This caught Namjoon by surprise..but her lips were very soft and her kiss softened and he slowly kissed her back.
He closed his eyes and tried to be in the moment.. after all, she was going to be his wife soon. All of a sudden Sieun started sucking on the side of his neck ....and the girl from Vegas flashed through his mind. Namjoon instantly stopped and pulled himself away from Sieun.
"Uh...what are you doing? I'm sorry..I should not have kissed you" Namjoon said out loud.
"Mmmmmm" Sieun said..but you did ..and she smiled and touched the side of his neck, where now a hicky mark was showing.
She smiled a bit "Bye Namjoon" she said "Don't worry about's not your fault..I had to know for myself if I...."
The elevator arrived.....She didn't finish her sentence and stepped into the elevator.
"You had to know what?" Namjoon asked again..but the elevator door closed.
As the doors were closing, Sieun was about to burst into tears..but she told herself to keep it together..and so she did she arrived at the lobby, she put a smile on her face. "This was the story of her life" she thought... always hiding and smiling. Inside her head she could hear what her mom always told her: "don't let anyone notice, you are going to be the wife of Namjoon. He is a super star now. You better be on your best behaviour and not put our family's name to shame!....Sieun turned to the concierge and asked "Is she my pick up"? as if nothing was going on.

Namjoon - The boy with the dragon eyes - KNJ - RM Kim Namjoon
FanfictionEver since you broke up with your boyfriend, your life was turned upside down. Your best friend Lily begged you to go and watch the BTS concert in Vegas, a band you never had heard of before. All of a sudden he stood in front of you, the boy with th...