Chapter 35 Here you go! Part 1

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The next two weeks went by very quickly. Scooter kept his word, the company arranged everything for you. Well actually, it was all Wendy 'the receptionist' that arranged everything for you. She was such a helpful colleague, you really liked her. 

In a way it was a relief to know that your apartment would still be waiting for you when you come back after two years. You looked around the apartment "Two years" you sighed, and glanced over at Lily, who was sitting on your bed. 

"AWWW I know" Lily sighed back and stood up to give you a big hug. "Look, don't worry ok, I already spoke to my dad about coming to visit you in South Korea soon. I just pouted know"...she smiled and she showed a pouty face look..."and daddy said yes right away to this face. Soooo, I will be visiting you soon". She seemed very proud of herself that she got her dad wrapped around her fingers that way.

Her voice kinda slowed down "My dad did tell me that there was one condition" Lily looked sadly looked down to the floor, and then up again and looked at you with big sad eyes. " He said that I could not ask who you are going to work for! She paused for a little while looking at you as if you now would spill the beans.  "Soooo, who are you working for?" Now her eyes became wide, because she really wanted to know. "Please, please, please tell me she begged".

The day after you signed the contract and came into the office at 8 a.m., Scooter and Marcel were waiting for you. Marcel had told you specifically not to disclose any details with his daughter Lily. "If she knows you are going to be working with Kpop idols, she will be very upset with me, because she will ask me to send her instead. But you know ... how do I tell her, my daughter hasn't worked a day in her life. She will be eaten alive in this industry". He looked a bit desperate "Just please sign this NDA and promise not to tell her anything. She is already bugging me about how  cruel I am for sending you away for two years...her best friend...and now she wants to come and visit you" He kinda stopped and looked frustrated " Jeezzzz I didn't really think all of this over". At this point he was kinda mumbling.

"Well when she comes and visit you, you can tell her at that time..but not now. Please!!! Because you know her, she won't stop" and he handed the piece of paper to you and pointed to the dots where you needed to sign "Quick, please...before I regret this".

"Ok, Ok, I won't tell her, but I will tell her that you had me sign this NDA!"

"That's fine. My girl is already upset with me when I told her not to ask you any questions". You knew that Marcel loved his daughter a lot, maybe a little too much, which you could tell in the way he always spoiled her rotten. One thing about Marcel, he never wanted to disappoint Lily.

You looked into Lily's eyes. "Look, they had me sign an NDA ..which said specifically that I am not able to tel YOU anything about this assignment!".

"Ugh, with THEY you mean my DAD" Lily said "My dad told me not to bug you with questions...I don't understand all the secrecy, it's not like you will be working with my bias or anything. I mean, hey you might run into him when you are in South Korea....OMG..."she screamed in a panic...."Can you imagine .... YOU meeting MY NAMJOON".

Your heart stopped for a minute. 'HER NAMJOON'...If she only knew you had actually already exchanged conversations with 'her Namjoon' in the past. Not just conversations, you went up to his room and he almost kissed you. Ugh maybe you were not such a good friend, all these secrecy" you thought. For a minute you hesitated, you wanted to tell her....but what was the point in telling her now. You and him were not speaking with each other anymore and it was for the best anyways. No it was just best to forget everything about him and that the two of you ever met. So hopefully you will not run into him in South Korea.

For the past two weeks, you felt guilty for not telling her and about signing the NDA too. It kinda left a bad taste in your mouth. Because of all this guilt you had,  you decided not to do any research on who you were going to work with or which artists were signed to the label you were going to be at. The less you knew, the less you secrecy you had for Lily.  

Surprisingly Scooter only asked you to come in 3 times before you were suppose to leave.He did not really prep you for anything. He just briefed  you on where you were going to stay, who was going to be your supervisor (her name was Anna) and who would pick you up when you arrive in South Korea. He kept saying that you will find out what to do when you were there and that Anna was the go to person. He would call you once a week for any updates and if the call could not happen he expected a short recap via email.

The few conversations you had with him, always ended with: "Please do not make me regret sending you".

"OK" Lily said "Look, I get it...daddy already told me that you can't tell me anything. That was part of the deal, you don't tell me, I don't ask...then I get to go and visit you in 6 months or so. " Anyways it was  worth to try" she kinda giggled. " Just promise me you keep me posted as soon as you arrive, and promise that you will not forget about me when you are meeting all important people.

"Have I ever forgotten about you?" you both hugged each other. You took a glimpse at your suitcases and looked at the clock in front of you "Oh look at the time, I think I got it Uber should be here any minute". At the same time you heard the Uber honking in front of your house. "This is it Lily, here I go" you said with tears in your eyes.

"Yes, here you go" Lily said softly with tears in her eyes..and you gave each other one last big hug and waived goodbye.

Namjoon - The boy with the dragon eyes - KNJ - RM Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now