"Yessss" Lily clapped in her hands. "The glam gang" has arrived. "Perhaps it would be better if you refrain from your phone" Lily said while taking the phone from your hand."I don't want you to fall apart again because of Mr. You Know Who, just like the last time" she firmly said.
You quickly took the phone back "It's fine Lily' you assured her. "I'm gonna go to this concert with you, no matter what, I promise! Besides, you are right. Let's just show him that we are having a good time."
All of a sudden a very cheeky smile appeared on Lily's face. "Finally" she shouted "You came to your senses." She took the phone out of your hand again. "Here look at me. Everyone, gather around her" She ordered everyone to quickly stand around you. "Look like you are all busy doing her make up and stuff. Pretend to laugh out loud or something." She quickly snapped a few pictures of you sitting in your hotel rope with curlers in your hair and a whole team of people around you.
-Glam Squad- Lily typed and posted the pictures of you on Instagram. "Please make her more beautiful than the last time, and also do not forget to put these purple flowers in her hair. My friend is going to look absolutely amazing tonight. You guys have to make her that beautiful so that not even the seven boys could get past her beauty" Lily giggled "Oh and of course make me look beautiful too."
"Oh I am soooo excited" Lily shouted.
"Me too" you said."I'm ready to have a good time tonight"
The glam squad did a remarkable job, you both looked absolutely stunning. As you were heading to the concert, you felt a bit overwhelmed. "Wow" thousands of people came to watch this band" you thought. Everyone looked amazing.
"Quick, a few more pics" Lily said. You posed in front of the Allegiant stadium. Suddenly you remembered, this was exactly the place where you met the boy with the dragon eyes.
"Hey dreamer" Lily shook you by surprise. "Let's go inside, we don't wanna miss the sound check".
You headed to your seats which were right in front of the stage. Lily was super excited and held your arm "I'm so glad we finally got to do this together!" You laid your hand on hers "Me too, thank you so much for everything". "Let's take another pic" you took out your phone and posted it quickly.
All of a sudden the crowed started shouting and one of the band members came on the stage. You wanted to snap another picture, but all of a sudden your phone started vibrating. You looked at your phone........it was Jim.
Lily glanced at your phone over your shoulder "Ugh" she said "Ignore it" she said annoyed. She pointed at the stage. The band members were singing at this point and the crowed went crazy.
"I, I....you know.... I can't" and you quickly answered the phone. "Hell...Hello??"
"Hey........ there was a bit of a pause....."Can we talk?..."
"Uh yeah, hold on...I can't hardly hear you....let me walk away for a bit." you answered.
Lily shook her head "Unbelievable " she said with an upset face.
"I'm sorry" you whispered "Just one second" you held up your hand in front of her face.
You turned around and tried to listen to what Jim had to say. But the music was too loud and you only heard bits and pieces. You tried to concentrate really hard and put one finger in your ear so that you could hear him better.
The sound check was almost over and you hang up and turned around. You were still in shock after listening to Jim.
"What did he want?" Lily asked anxiously "What was so important that it couldn't wait"
"I..I don't know....he said....he wants me back...he said he saw my pictures on Insta and couldn't stop thinking of me."
Lily wanted to say something, but all of a sudden this big tall guy in a black suit was standing in front of you and shoved his ID card in your face.
"Uh excuse me Miss, can you come with me please. I'm from security, and we need to talk about some rules while pointing at your phone.
"I'm sorry" you said "I..I just had an important phone call.
I... I...I won't be on my phone again" you said, still being a bit overwhelmed by the tallness of the guy in front of you and the phone conversation you just had with Jim.
"I'm sorry but you will have to come with me" the security guard said firm.
"Dude" Lily said "She already said sorry...just let it go"
"Sorry" he held his hand in front of her "I only need her to come with me for one moment."
"She is not going alone, Im coming with her" Lily shouted.
"I'm sorry" he signed to one of the other security members who came forward right away and stood in front of Lily now.
"This is harassment" Lily said angry "I'm going to sue you"
"I'm sorry" the man said calmly "You will have to stay with him here and she will come with me. Otherwise, I will have to ask both of you to leave the premises".
"Ok, ok' Lily said annoyed "We get it"
"She'll be back before you know it, we just need to go over some rules". He reassured Lily.
"Keep an eye on her" he said quickly to the other security member, who nodded to him.
He looked at you "Please come and follow me, this way please" and made you walk in front of him. "I'm sorry about all this, it is just protocol"...The tall security guy became softer and was actually really polite while you were walking together.
You were heading somewhere in the back of the stadium.
"Must we go all this way to just go over some rules? Why don't you just tell me here?" you asked, but the security guard nodded his head. "No can do Miss, that is our head's job...not mine".
You were heading to what it seemed was an office door..... 'Kim Namjoon' ....it said on the door.
"Who's office is this? The head of security?" you asked. But the tall man kept quiet. Several people walked out of the door holding clothes and other things, they seemed to be rushing.
The door closed behind them, the security guard stood in front of the door. "Before we go in, I need you to sign this"
"What is this?" the security guard was about to say something, but all of a sudden someone opened the door.
"Oh Hi, please come in...." you heard a friendly and familiar voice, a voice you had heard before.

Namjoon - The boy with the dragon eyes - KNJ - RM Kim Namjoon
FanfictionEver since you broke up with your boyfriend, your life was turned upside down. Your best friend Lily begged you to go and watch the BTS concert in Vegas, a band you never had heard of before. All of a sudden he stood in front of you, the boy with th...