Chapter 28 As Season changed - Part 2

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Namjoon wished she picked up, he tried to call her many times in between conferences and studio visits. However, she never picked up her phone. He tried to apologise via text messages and she didn't reply either. He knew that it was a dangerous thing to text, because what if she would go to the press or whatnot. But somehow he trusted that she was not that kind of person.Perhaps it was just best to leave at that, her silence was loud and clear. Maybe he should not aggravate her with spam calls and messages.

Tomorrow they would fly back to Korea and Bang PD was already planning on how to announce their military service properly. He also had plans for them to explore solo careers. "We need someone who can handle this kind of stuff" Bang PD kept  saying to Namjoon, because at the moment you are not giving me anything Namjoon".

Namjoon wasn't really in the mood to think of all of it. Normally he would be the one coming with solutions and discussions, but this time he did not have the energy. He also didn't feel like eating. All he could think of was parting with his members soon, this girl from the early morning jog, and how to face his mother when he is back in South Korea. Thinking of strategies on how to announce things to millions of people wasn't really on his mind right now. Nevertheless, he understood that that wouldn't be fair to the fans. "Gosh" he thought "for so long I've been stressed about what people would think, what people would say. Coming up with solutions and everything. For so long he always thought about the members, Bang PD, share holders, his parents...when was it going to be time that he thought of Kim Namjoon? What was it that Kim Namjoon wanted? He couldn't find an answer to that.

The day they arrived in Seoul he saw the beautiful blossom around him. The sight of it was beautiful. He wished for a moment that he could show it to her. He quickly snapped a picture. Would he dare to send it to her? Telling her, that he arrived in Seoul? .....He closed his eyes...he really screwed it up...she would not answer anyways...maybe it was just best to forget about her. He reached in his pocket. He had an extra photo of the two of them. He looked at the picture. Perhaps in another life time"...he thought..or perhaps in a different season of life. It seems that ever that they did their PTD concert, seasons changed so fast.

"Namjoon" Bang PD said.."Don't forget to meet your mother this Saturday. "Huh?..what this Saturday? Yeah I told you the other day...your mom will come after we get back, it's this Saturday...remember?"

 " that was what Bang PD was telling him the other day when the grirl left his  room in. a hurry" Namjoon was a bit surprised by himself. He would normally pay attention to every word someone would tell him, he would pay attention to every little detail, especially when Bang PD was speaking. But not this time...ever since the day she came over, things changed and he had to admit that he couldn't focus anymore.

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